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图说车市 | ABB竞争白热化,豪华车市场格局2017年大洗牌?!

  Premium car brand rankings in China may see huge shuffle in 2017 as competition gets white hot



  根据CBU Analytics整理的终端销量数据显示,2016年,豪华品牌乘用车上牌量为218万辆,同比上涨15.61%,占2016年乘用车总上牌量的9.06%,其中有三分之二的车辆在中国生产。2016年12月豪华车品牌乘用车上牌量达246,265辆,同比增长7.32%。

  According to data from CBU Analytics, China registered 2.18 million premium brand passenger vehicles in 2016, up 15.61 percent, accounting for 9.06 percent of total passenger vehicle registration volume in 2016. Nearly two-thirds of the premium brand registration volume was locally-produced. In December, premium brand passenger vehicle registration reached 246,265 units, up 7.32 percent.

  2016年,奥迪终端销量增长3.52%达597,869辆。虽然享有购置税优惠的小排量奥迪A3奥迪Q3增长强劲,但是新一代奥迪A4L销量表现不佳。虽然奥迪再次成为豪华品牌在华销量冠军,但经过多年以国产化驱动的高速增长后,奥迪面临增长乏力的困境。宝马上牌量增长8.08%达482,337辆,其中宝马5系微跌0.81%,但长期把控最佳热销国产豪华车型。12月,宝马在落后奔驰前11月累计终端销量的情况下完成反超,守住了第二的位置。而奔驰2016年终端销量猛增30.11%达480,014辆,仅以微弱差距落后于宝马奔驰C级,全新长轴距E级车,GLAGLC SUV“双雄”均增长迅猛。2016年,奥迪宝马奔驰的合计销量为156万辆,占豪华车总上牌量的71.46%。同时,2016年前十名热销国产豪华车型继续被ABB包揽,奥迪上榜5款,奔驰3款,宝马2款。


  In 2016, Audi registration volume reached 597,869 units, up 3.52 percent. Although its 1.4T Audi A3 and Audi Q3 variants showed strong growth thanks to the 1.6L and below passenger vehicle tax break, the new generation of the Audi A4L performed poorly since market launch. Despite winning the premium segment again, Audi suffered slow growth after years of growth powered by localization of its products. BMW increased 8.08 percent to 482,337 units. Although BMW 5 Series Long Wheelbase decreased 0.81 percent slightly, as the champion of the top 10 bestselling premium models in 2016. In December, BMW turned the tide and ended up being the runner up brand for the year after getting surpassed by Mercedes-Benz in the first 11 months. However, Mercedes-Benz surged 30.11 percent to 480,014 units, less than 2,000 units behind BMW. The combined registration volume of Audi, Mercedes-Benz and BMW reached 1.56 million units, accounting for 71.46 percent of premium models’ total registration volume. The top 10 bestselling premium models were all from the German trio of “ABB”: five from Audi, three from Mercedes-Benz and two from BMW.

  Although there isn’t any change of rankings of the German trio of “ABB” in 2016, BMW and Mercedes-Benz launched new locally-produced models and Audi’s new models suffered slow growth in 2016. The German trio of “ABB” could become “BBA” in 2017 in China.


  而二线豪华品牌,捷豹路虎增长17.09%达123,911辆,其中捷豹F-PACE销售6,220辆,国产捷豹XFL销售3,206辆。凯迪拉克依靠国产车型强势增长56.75%,销量达 121,140辆。雷克萨斯增长29.98%达111,447辆。林肯暴增209.22%达33,000辆。讴歌暴增97.63%达8,105辆,包括4,991辆国产讴歌CDX。而DS暴跌40.06%达16,262辆。大众品牌“豪华”轿车-辉昂累计销售1,526辆。2016年,二线豪华品牌的合计销量为622,991辆,占豪华车总上牌量的28.54%,同比增长25.67%。

  For the rest of the premium brands in 2016, JLR increased 17.09 percent to 123,911 units, with the F-PACE selling 6,220 units and locally-produced XFL selling 3,206 units. Cadillac sales reached 121,140 units, up 56.75 percent. Lexus sales reached 111,447 units, up 29.98 percent. Lincoln sales reached 33,000 units, up 209.22 percent. Acura sales surged 97.63 percent to 8,105 units powered by the locally-produced Acura CDX with 4,991 units registered. French “luxury” brand DS suffered a significant slump with sales down 40.06 percent in 2016. Volkswagen Phideon, Volkswagen brand’s “premium” car model produced at SAIC-Volkswagen, had registration volume of 1,526 units. The combined registration volume of premium brands other than “ABB” increased 25.67 percent to 622,991 units, accounting for 28.54 percent of premium models’ total registration volume.


  而超豪华品牌,玛莎拉蒂暴增39.37%达11,398辆,其首款SUV Levante累计销售4,430辆。宾利增长33.76%达2,104辆,其中宾利首款SUV-添越累计销售423辆。超豪华品牌SUV车型继续驱动增长。

  For super luxury brands in 2016, Maserati sales reached 11,398 units, up 39.37 percent thanks to the Levante, the brand’s first SUV, which sold 4,430 units. Bentley sales reached 2,104 units, up 33.76 percent with the Bentayga SUV selling 423 units. Super luxury brands showed strong growth driven by SUV models.



  Of the top 10 bestselling premium NEVs (including hybrids, plug-in hybrids and battery EVs) in 2016, four were from Lexus, two from Tesla and one each from Infiniti, Porsche, Volvo and BMW. Lexus’ hybrid models accounted for nearly a quarter of the brand’s total registration volume.

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