关于 北京现代是我最后一个梦想--访现代朴炳载的讨论

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网友:3csc 发表时间: 2002-11-11 04:44:02.0 IP地址: 202.110.223.★
美国售价:2。7V6款式 手动 自动 GLX 16740 17250 LX 17913 18397 BASE 15814 16282 2003款美元价 美国市场没有2。0只有2。4 四缸BASE 15241/15696
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-11-09 16:28:57.0 IP地址: 211.150.196.★
baro is not bad,but too expensive.maybe i will buy one korean product
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-11-08 17:15:10.0 IP地址: 128.173.37.★
"good, Korea person and products. much better than ShangHai and Bora." Are you Korean? I don't know anything about Bora. But I know something about the Shanghainese, the Koreans, and Korean automobiles. And I don't know what the hell you are talking about.
网友:Hyndai 发表时间: 2002-11-08 12:34:07.0 IP地址: 203.95.68.★
good, Korea person and products. much better than ShangHai and Bora.
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