关于"全球新车北京“派对” 天津丰田能否亮相?"的评论
关于 全球新车北京“派对” 天津丰田能否亮相?的讨论

用户: 匿名发出
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1、经营许可证编号:京ICP000008号 2、遵守《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》 3、遵守《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》
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网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-05-18 10:53:21.0 IP地址: 202.101.145.★
拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!! 拒绝日货,抵制日货!!!
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-05-17 17:17:10.0 IP地址: 211.157.218.★
At first, it worked quite well as planned, but when a BMW passed them with a speed of 200KM, the man was getting angry: so what, you son-of-a-bitch want for a competition? Who fears?! Accelerate, fast, fast, fast ……40, 80 ,120,160,200km/hr. The POLO’s light flashed frenziedly, at first the right, then the left, but the man is too angry to notice. A drive by police car saw the scene and reported to police office: ‘Report: an AUDI A6 and a BMW was competition on the with a speed over 200km/hr, and what is more, a POLO is followed closely with right front light on, obviously it is eager to overtake them.’
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2002-05-17 17:16:37.0 IP地址: 211.157.218.★
One day, a white collar young lady was standing beside her break down POLO waiting for help, but no one bothered stop to help her. A businessman who get rich quick driving a an AUDI A6 was passing by, and since he had just wined in a game, he was in very good mood, so he stopped to ask the lady what he can do for her. The POLO lady asked the man to draw her POLO to nearby automobile workshop. The man agreed without any hesitation. The POLO lady asked the man to drive slowly to keep safety. She told the man that if she feel he drive too fast she will turn the right front light on and if she want to stop she will turn the left light on. The man said: OK.
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