关于 车市分析:新款雅阁会加速车价下降吗?的讨论

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搜狐网友 发表时间: 2003-05-07 16:19:44.0 IP地址: 211.137.125.★
搜狐网友 发表时间: 2003-03-28 21:40:19.0 IP地址: 195.195.227.★
I am a student in the UK. The people here always complain about the price of cars, they say they alway pay more in UK than other countries, but after i told them the price of cars in china they all shocked. I saw a paasat 1.8 T sport is £17000=200000RMB, this is on road price, it means the price includes everything. this one in china is 300000 RMB and you have to pay extra tax about anpther 50000RMB. In here the company has to pay high salaries to the workers, i did a research it's about £1200 per month on average. In china how much do the companies pay their workers per month--1200 RMB . So you can see how much money they make in china, they really ripe the people off!!
搜狐网友 发表时间: 2003-03-18 22:17:44.0 IP地址: 218.60.72.★
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