
汽车频道 > 专题 > 东风雪铁龙凯旋发布
东风雪铁龙凯旋正式上市 售价17.98-20.88万元
时间:2006年02月18日16:48 我来说两句(0)  

天语SX4 全系车型购买推荐
来源:搜狐汽车】 【作者:综合报道


车型 2.0L手动尊贵型 2.0L自动尊贵 2.0L旗舰型
售价(万元) 17.98 19.28 20.88






  据介绍,东风雪铁龙凯旋是由PSA标致雪铁龙集团全球技术平台历时3年,按国际标准开发的符合最新世界设计潮流的全新4门3厢轿车,其总设计师桑恩(Oleg Son)先生在这款新车上融合了欧洲风格。自研发之初,这一项目即已并入PSA标致雪铁龙集团平台的总体规划中,以引领世界最新潮流符合国际标准为宗旨,其研发目标是使凯旋在造型、安全、舒适、适用四个方面成为真正的代表力作。

  东风雪铁龙凯旋的目标用户群锁定为年龄在25-45岁之间,具备较高学历,处于其人生第二个事业突破期的现代中青年人士,即正在从其人生的“成功”向“卓越”发展的阶段,他们是事业和家庭的中坚,具备稳健而创新,严谨而进取的精神,与传统相比,他们更具备现代生活态度,注重生活品质。而“凯旋”这个名称能够准确地描述这些中坚人群内心的期望,而东风雪铁龙也希望通过这样一辆性能卓越,装备超群的力作,成为其用户走向“凯旋”途中坚强而可信的忠诚伙伴。正如东风雪铁龙总经理德博来先生在现场致辞中所提到的,凯旋的核心理念是“智领科技 卓远天成”。





  据凯旋的总设计师桑恩(Oleg Son)先生介绍,凯旋的设计既吸收了雪铁龙品牌几乎所有科技精华和创新理念,同时又借鉴了欧洲的最新发展趋势。在产品设计方面,雪铁龙品牌以走在世界潮流前列而著称,而此次雪铁龙公司技术中心对凯旋的设计尤为重视。

  最引人注意的是:凯旋装备了雪铁龙品牌全球首创的中央固定集控式方向盘, 使驾驶者在双手不离开方向盘的前提下完成全部操作动作,既大大提高了驾驶的便利性,同时也使驾驶更为安全。另外,凸显科技含量的感光式自适应组合仪表、汉化行车电脑、电子可变助力转向等高新科技的应用,给予驾驶者更多的舒适驾乘感受。




  杰出动力——“加速王”呼之欲出:凯旋配备的是同样在C5上使用的2.0L 16V汽油发动机,可迸发出最大功率为108 KW的强大马力,最大扭矩可达到200NM,为目前市场上的同级别车型中最强劲动力,这将使凯旋成为当之无愧的2006年同级别市场甚至更高级别市场的“加速王”,相信定会使喜爱动力的消费者为之动心。同时其90km/h等速油耗仅为6.6升, 可满足欧IV标准。对于中高档轿车消费者而言,在汽油价格频频上升的今天,这无疑是极大的诱惑。












  International Launch, First in China

  Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe Makes a High-profiled Launching Show

  On February 18, 2006, Dongfeng Citroën unveils a new car at the new car press conference held in Shenzhen. The day for the long-awaited international launch for this exciting new model, initially in China, has finally come.

  At the presentation, Dongfeng Citroën announces three important items: unveiling its Chinese name as C-Triomphe (Kai Xuan); opening to public its preciously classified information about main configurations and specification; and pronouncing its price range in order for dealers to start order taking. As a result, Dongfeng Citroën creates a spectacular wave of "C-Triomphe" in the Chinese auto market at the beginning of early spring, 2006.

  Greeting C-Triomphe -- from Success to Excellence

  Triomphe (Kai Xuan) connotes a rich and profound meaning in Chinese. It indicates victory, joy and celebration. With that name of "Kai Xuan", Dongfeng Citroën wishes to express the car's positioning and its high expectations about the market.

  According to what is officially introduced, Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe is developed from PSA's global technical plateform, and the process lasts for 3 years. This sedan of 3-box and 4-door demonstrates the latest designing trend, applies international standard and reflects a strong contemporary European styling in passenger car development, all thanks to the careful integration by its Design Manager, Mr. Oleg Son. Ever since the first step in its research and development (R&D), this product has been listed in the overall product development plan of the PSA Peugeot-Citroën Group. It is expected that the Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe will eventually set a new industry benchmark in terms of styling, safety, comfort and driving performance in Chinese car market.

  The consumers for Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe are targeted at people aged 25-45, including young professionals and well educated middle aged people with some success in their life and on the way to their second career breakthrough. Both groups within this target consumers are the backbones of their families and society and are full of high confidence and high expectations for their life and career They also demonstrate a spirit of innovation, consideration, elegance and modern thinking. Compared with tradition, they possess contemporary attitudes toward work and lifestyle and pay attention to the quality of life. The name of "C-Triomphe" can properly demonstrate the values and expectations of those people. It is expected that Dongfeng Citroën can strive to become a strong and reliable partner of the targeted customers, as is shown by the outstanding features of C-Triomphe which will make the quality of their driving experience improved in many aspects. The core value of C-Triomphe is summarized and demonstrated by the slogan declared by Mr. Debonnet, the General Manager of Dongfeng Citroën: "Leading Technology Intelligently Created for People with Vision and Born for Excellence ."

  The True C-Triomphe -- A Demonstrated Cutting - Edged Competitiveness

  At his introduction of the new car, Mr. Yuan Gang, Vice General Manager of Dongfeng Citroën, notes: "Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe, with an equipment level and performance usually found only in higher segment models, rivals the competition of the Class B car market. Therefore, we can predict that after the market launch of C-Triomphe, a new benchmark will be established for equipment, performance standards of the 2.0 engine car market due to the car.

  As a representative model of European cars, Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe has possessed a remarkable optimum mix of performance and technical features in its design consideration. It does not go to extreme in one aspect such as mechanical feature at the expense of another such as economic performance, etc. Rather, it adjusts the overall design to a comparatively well-balanced state of elaborate engineering that integrates safety, comfort, handling, economy and appearance. Beyond this, C-Triomphe provides a special focus on safety equipment and features, exceeding Class B car standards. Therefore, C-Triomphe, in total, has achieved an advanced and well-balanced overall performance with outstanding safety consideration.

  Innovative European design styling: C-Triomphe has assimilated the world's latest design trend: chrome double spanning chevrons that uniformly integrate with the radiator grille; the boomerang-shaped headlights rise up, demonstrating sleek aerodynamics; the front end appears bold and forceful; the streamlined body exhibits smooth elegance. The overall appearance is modern, yet stately, grand and full of vitality, exemplifying the grandness and stability of the modern European automobiles.

  According to Mr. Oleg Son, Design Manager of C-Triomphe, the design of C-Triomphe incorporates core scientific and technological principles of Citroën brand and holds a place at the forefront of up-to-date European car designing trend. Citroën brand is recognized as one of the world's trendsetters in the area of car design. The technology center of Citroën attaches special importance to the design of C-Triomphe.

  Most conspicuous among the features and benefits, C-Triomphe comes with the unique multifunctional fixed-centered controls steering wheel which is innovatively developed by Citroën. The feature enables drivers to control all operations without taking their hands off the steering wheel, which enhances both the convenience and safety of driving. In addition, such high-tech features as the central translucent instrument cluster, Chinese-language on-board computer, and variable-assistance power steering, combined, will bring more comfort and convenient driving experience to customers.

  Perfect Safety--All-around Consideration: Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe is the only car model, among domestic Class B 2.0 L cars, adopting ESP of Germany's BOSCH across its range. The up-to-date technology marks a new milestone in active safety. Under emergency situation of sideslipping, due to curves in the roads or sudden avoidance, the erratic driving path of the car will be automatically corrected thus ensuring restored driving stability and safety. C-Triomphe is equipped with the ESP system, developed by BOSCH-the only technology of its kind to be recognized as the best in the world. C-Triomphe also incorporates the dual-function directional Xenon headlamps. Both high and low beams are sources with Xenon energy. This leading technology of Citroën brand ensures broader, clearer vision for drivers and safer driving.

  In addition, C-Triomphe equips itself with cruise control setting, speed limiter, four safety airbags and two curtain airbags at front and rear, AFU, multiple-channel transmission system CAN network, warning indicators that light up automatically, and four-door touch-style anti-clipping electric windows. The rich features enable the safety level of C-Triomphe to reach an equivalent to that of higher Class C car standards.

  Besides the rich safety equipment, Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe reflects the European car tradition of seamlessly integrating safety features into the overall design: a highly-strenghened overall car body structure with an inclined anti-collision beam and collision bumper. At the same time, a reinforced horizontal beam is constructed across the center of the roof forging ring protection with pillars A and B, thus greatly enhancing the overall anti-collision capabilities of the car. The unique pedestrian collision protection bumper bar also fully reflects the overall safety concept of European cars and Citroën's design idea of "putting people first."

  Outstanding Power--"King of Acceleration": C-Triomphe has adopted the 2.0i 16V petro engine used on C5, which generates a maximium power of 108 KW and a maximum torque of 200 NM. It is the most powerful car of its class in the market. Not only is C-Triomphe the undisputed king of acceleration in its class, it can also compete with models in higher classes. We have every reason to believe that the car will be a favorite among drivers with a taste for strong power. At the same time, fuel consumption is only 6.6 liters at a constant speed of 90km/h and is meeting Euro IV emission standard. This will undoubtedly attract domestic upper medium segment sedan consumers due to continuous petro prices hike over the past months.

  Experiencing Comfort--an Optimum Balance for Static and Dynamic Driving: The combination of these outstanding safety and power performance features enhances the overall feeling of satisfaction for the driver, consistent with Citroën's reputation for superior comfort.

  In the area of comfort, the 4802mm car body, together with the 2710mm wheelbase and the 1512mm height of the car create comfortable interior space for all passengers. The eight-directional electric adjustable seat design meets the design principle of ergonomic engineering. With moderate softness and outstanding contour compatibility, it can effectively diminish the impact of car body vibration. Elaborate workmanship, carefully selected materials, attractive trim styling, together with a spacious trunk, rear-seat vents, automatic climate control, storage grids, a self-refrigerated sundry box, and a noise reduction device, all combine to offer a perfect and equally comfortable environment for the driver and the passengers alike. Citroën has world-renowned chassis technology. The precise steering performance, handling and outstanding suspension system have given rise to coordinated and efficient performance, making the driving experience freer, smoother and more comfortable.

  Expecting C-Triomphe -- the Car Most Anticipated in Auto Market 2006

  Dongfeng Citroën starts order taking for C-triomphe by dealers as from February 18 after Dongfeng Citroën announcing its selling price range. In view of the level of C-Triomphe's equipment and technological features which rival those typically found only in higher class cars, this price demonstrates the competitive cutting edge, as well as its ambition for the car to become a leading player in this market.

  The 2.0 L displacement market has gained increasing attention from consumers in recent years. There is every reason to believe that with the increase of consumption level and China's continuing economic growth, this market is sure to attract even more attention, enabling even greater potential and creating a broader market from which Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe can fully demonstrates its formidable competitive strengths.

  The arrival of this new global car, first launched in China, demonstrates the constant and ever-increasing ambition of Citroën in China's market. It is a masterpiece, one that exemplifies Dongfeng Citroën's strive towards higher-end market and illustrates the company's long term strategy to establish itself strongly in China's market. The arrival of Dongfeng Citroën C-Triomphe is sure to create a new round of competition in China's market and become the buzz word of the medium to upper medium car segment in 2006.



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