关于 有报告称:汽车工业应允许市场性重复建设的讨论

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1、经营许可证编号:京ICP000008号 2、遵守《互联网电子公告服务管理规定》 3、遵守《全国人大常委会关于维护互联网安全的决定》
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网友:Engine Master 发表时间: 2003-02-21 12:12:34.0 IP地址: 68.43.165.★
Still not right:
[1] "Someone is more equal than others". If the private company has a better credibility, the bank should loan more money with lower interest rate.
[2] That the price is the first in competition is quentionable. Without quality, ensured by the regulations (safety, emission, and recall) the price competing is losing its foundation.
[3] Government should stop protecting state-run companies, and establish a fair competition environment for everybody.
网友:匿名 发表时间: 2003-02-21 10:42:03.0 IP地址: 133.35.135.★
胡扯蛋, 谁算过重复建设浪费过人民多少钱。

如果搞汽车, 能把车全卖到国外去, 全国人民都赞成。
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