关于"燃料电池汽车前景光明 让汽车远离污染"的评论
关于 燃料电池汽车前景光明 让汽车远离污染的讨论

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网友:Engine Master 发表时间: 2003-01-28 10:05:23.0 IP地址: 68.43.165.★
It is dangerous to commen on this topic without engineering sense. [1] How to get the hydrogen fuel? Don't assume. [2] How to distribute? Liquid H2 station, reformer, and something else, pick one. [3] How much precious metal needed for fuel cell business? Calculate for the world. [4] Hybrid power system will be the major technology for this century. All renewable energy can be used for hybrid system. Fuel cell car has cold start and transient power problem and needs hybrid too. [5] Data from other resources is interpreted wrong here.
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