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AUTO.SOHU.COM  2005年03月13日14:59  搜狐汽车
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  中华人民共和国商务部副部长 魏建国先生

  Vice Minister of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China,His Excellency Mr. Wei Jianguo

  孟加拉国驻中国大使 阿什法库尔·拉赫曼先生

  Bangladeshi Ambassador to China,His Excellency Mr. Ashfaqur Rahman

  埃及驻中国大使 阿里·希夫尼先生

  Egyptian Ambassador to China, His Excellency Mr. Aly El-Hefny

  摩洛哥驻中国大使 穆罕默德·谢尔提先生

  Morrocan Ambassador to China, His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Cherti

  尼日利亚驻中国大使 乔纳森·科克尔先生

  Nigerian Ambassador to China, His Excellency Mr. Jonathan Coker

  叙利亚驻中国大使 穆罕默德·海依尔·瓦迪先生

  Syrian Ambassador to China,His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Kheir Al-wadi

  突尼斯驻中国大使 穆罕默德·萨赫比·巴斯里先生

  Tunisian Ambassador to China,His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Sahbi Basly

  委内瑞拉驻中国大使 罗西奥·马内罗·冈萨雷斯女士

  Venezuelan Ambassador to China,Her Excellency Mrs. Rocio Maneiro Gonzalez

  津巴布韦驻中国大使 克里斯托弗·穆茨万格瓦先生

  Zimbabwean Ambassador to China,His Excellency Mr. Christopher Mutsvangwa

  利比亚驻中国大使馆代办 温迪先生

  Charge d’affaires of the Libyan Embassy in China,Mr. Abudhamid Alwindi

  沙特阿拉伯驻中国大使馆代办 马赫里布先生

  Charge d’affaires of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in China,Mr. Abdulahman Maghrabi

  埃及驻华大使馆公使 阿巴迪先生

  Minister of the Egyptian Embassy in China, Mr. Ahmed Aly Abady

  尼日利亚驻华大使馆公使 索迪贝先生

  Minister of the Nigerian Embassy in China, Mr. Julius Ajasa Sodipe

  尼日利亚驻华大使馆公使衔参赞 约肃夫先生

  Minister Counsellor of the Nigerian Embassy in China,Mr. Amosa Umar Yusuf

  埃塞俄比亚驻华大使馆公使衔参赞 伊亚苏·达拉

  Minister Counsellor of the Ethiopian Embassy in China,Mr. Eyassu Dalle

  阿尔及利亚驻华大使馆参赞 阿里·科萨伊

  Counsellor of the Algerian Embassy in China, Mr. Ali Kessai

  孟加拉国驻华大使馆商务参赞 阿米努

  Commercial Counsellor of the Bangladeshi Embassy in China,Mr. Aminul Islam

  厄瓜多尔驻华大使馆商务参赞 罗斯南先生

  Commercial Counsellor of the Ecuadorian Embassy in China,Mr. Fernando Rojas

  伊拉克驻华大使馆商务参赞 沙尔汗先生

  Commercial Counsellor of the Iraqi Embassy in China,Mr. Hussein Sarhan

  马来西亚驻华大使馆商务参赞 尤斯夫先生

  Commercial Counsellor of the Malaysian Embassy in China,Abu Bakar Bin Yusof

  秘鲁驻华大使馆商务参赞 豪赫尔·强先生

  Commercial Counsellor of the Peruvian Embassy in China,Mr. Jorge Eduardo Chian Chong

  埃及驻华大使馆一等秘书 瓦依尔·哈米德

  First Secretary of the Egyptian Embassy in China,Mr. Wael Mohamed Awad Hamed

  埃及驻华大使馆二等秘书 叶海亚·哈里木

  Second Secretary of the Egyptian Embassy in China,Mr. Yehia Halim

  菲律宾驻华大使馆副领事 唐芷林女士

  Vice Consul of the Philippine Embassy in China,Mrs. Marie Charlotte Tang

  墨西哥驻华大使馆二秘 郭磊

  Second Secretary of the Mexican Embassy to China,Mr. Christian Peter Clay Mendoza

  中国商务部机电产品进出口司副司长 张翼先生

  Deputy Director-General of the Department of Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products of the Ministry of Commerce,Mr. Zhang Yi

  中国外交部非洲司副司长 李强民先生

  Vice Director-General of the Department of African Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Li Qiangmin

  中国机电产品进出口商会副会长 张建南先生

  Vice President of China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products, Mr. Zhang Jiannan

  中国汽车工业协会常务副理事长兼秘书长 蒋雷先生

  Secretary-General and Standing Vice Director of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, Mr. Jiang Lei

  吉利控股集团董事长 李书福先生

  President of Geely Holding Group, Mr. Li Shufu

  新华通讯社外事局局长 虞家复先生

  Director-General of the Department of External Affairs of Xinhua News Agency, Mr. Yu Jiafu

  新华通讯社国际新闻编辑部副主任 葛相文先生

  Vice Director-General of the Department of International News of Xinhua News Agency, Mr. Ge Xiangwen

  新华社环球杂志社总编辑 马晓霖先生

  Editor-in-Chief of Globe Magazine of Xinhua News Agency,Mr. Ma Xiaolin

  新华社环球杂志社副总编辑 王磊先生

  Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Globe Magazine of Xinhua News Agency,Mr. Wang Lei

  上海吉利美嘉峰国际贸易股份有限公司董事长 赵杰先生

  President of Geely International Corporation, Mr. Zhao Jie


( 责任编辑:刘林源 )


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