海辰简介 A brief introduction to HIGHTRAN
HIGHTRAN, first founded in March 2001, has developed into a full-fledged marketing communication consultancy that runs three subsidiary wholly-owned companies with a staff of over 100. Meanwhile, HIGHTRAN has been in close strategic partnership with Beijing Yiruo Information Consulting Co.,Ltd. HIGHTRAN has been the only professional PR firm that has established a research institution on public relations in the School of Journalism of Renmin University of China.
HIGHTRAN has been engaged in the research and execution of PR practice in automotive industry and developed a comprehensive communication channel covering over 800 media organizations. HIGHTRAN has also managed to construct a crisis prevention and repair system, which includes local press administration authorities in 22 provinces and municipalities, and a number of related central government departments and associations, such as National Press Administration Department, State Environmental Protection Administration, State Administration for Industry & Commerce, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, China Consumers’Association, China Association of Quality.
During the past 7 years, HIGHTRAN has successfully executed 10 package cases of auto brand building, 200 cases of auto PR promotion events and settled about 1000 cases of PR crisis.
HIGHTRAN has independently developed a series of PR tools including the MP System (media evaluation), CP System (competence analysis) and Automatic Registration System for journalists.
Our Strategic Goal: A professional communication company with sharp foresight and strong execution power
Our Commission: To provide customers foresighted, innovative and systematic professional communication service, and improve their brand value and business performance
Our Spirit: Supreme Kindness Like Water
Our Tenet: To perfectly transcend
Our Culture: Solidarity, dedication, study, innovation
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图形符号以鹦鹉螺为原形演变而来。鹦鹉螺为四大名螺之一,每一条对角线的分割都是最标准的“黄金分割线”,象征着完美,喻意海辰及海辰人为事尽善尽美,为人高风亮节;图形符号以蓝色为主基调。典雅、大方,积极、有活力,极富神秘感,给人留下遐想空间,喻意海辰事业如大海般开阔无垠,海辰人心胸如大海般豁达深远;图形符号变化万千。时而如海浪般波涛汹涌,坚韧有力;时而如蟠龙,英明神武;时而如彩凤,绚烂夺目;时而如碧玉,巧夺天工;喻意海辰及海辰人坚毅、勇敢、高雅、内敛。图形符号由浅蓝逐渐变化为深蓝,由浅入深,循序渐进,以顺时针方向向外延伸,环环相扣,最后又融合为一个整体,喻意海辰事业不断拓展,壮大。喻意海辰业务核心,化零为整,化整为箭的整合营销方式。同时也喻意海辰人团结、敬业、学习、创新的企业核心理念。 图形符号由二十三块组合而成,缺一即满,喻意海辰及海辰人对理想与目标的追求永不满足,在海辰及海辰人的心中永远没有最好,只有不断超越自我,去追求更高的目标。 标识英文“HIGHTRAN”由“HIGH”及“TRAN”组合而成,“HIGH”即高度,“TRAN”即心灵感知的超越。标识英文“HIGHTRAN”的意义为“境界的超越”。
The new VI (visual identity) of HIGHTRAN highlights its new logo -- a blue round spiral in the center with the English name HIGHTRAN standing below. The logo’s stereotype is a nautilus shell, whose vivid cross-sections well showcase the marvelous golden ratio, embodying the inner beauty and harmony of perfection-driven HIGHTRAN. The blue color of the spiral logo conveys a taste of elegance, generosity, vitality and mystery, rendering much space for imagination --- HIGHTRAN’s future and mind is as broad as the blue sea. The spiral spins outward finally into an arrow tip with its color gradually evolving from light to dark blue, which not only symbolizes the continuously expanding business, but also HIGHTRAN’s core corporate value that prioritizing solidarity, dedication, study and innovation. The spiral, which totally concludes 23 small pieces, remains open-ended rather than form a closed circle, which signals HIGHTRAN’s endless pursuit of higher goals. The English brand name “HIGHTRAN”, which combines the word “high” and fore part of “transcend”, means we will keep setting higher standards for ourselves to transcend perfectly.