Dealer Inventory Survey: 58% have increased their inventories
Subsidy for vehicle trade-in to expire or continue
Policies of Subsidies for new energy vehicles exposed
Vehicle and Ship Tax imposed by different displacements
Peak of car sales will surely break out!
How will auto market be when stock market below 2600points
China Auto Market will usher in tough test in May
Chery to invest 20 billion in project of SUV, pickup and commercial vehicle
奇瑞200亿布局西北 启动SUV皮卡商务车项目

Chery announced project in Ordos with an investment of 20 billion was started.
Overall listing of Guangzhou Auto permitted by HKSE, two challenges lie ahead
广汽整体上市通过联交所聆讯 还有两道坎

GA Group goes public by back door listing of H-share Company Denway Motors made significant progress.
Reorganization of Fujian Daimler suspended, maybe caused by price
北汽重组福建戴姆勒已中止 或因价格分歧大

Everybody believe reorganization of Fujian Daimler would be completed eventually.
Chang’an May Build JV with Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles
长安汽车密洽大众商用车 谋求合资

Chang'an Automobile now sights on Volkswagen.
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Editor:Simon Feng Design:Ralap Li/Haley Wang