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5种动力组合 奔驰M-Class SUV预09年上市


整个车系中动力最强的仍为ML 63 AMG 4MATIC,该车搭载一台6.3升V8引擎,最大功率510马力/375千瓦,峰值扭矩630牛米,这使它0-100公里/小时加速时间只有5秒,经过电子限速后的最高时速为250公里。动力通过AMG的SpeedShift7速自动变速器传递到四个轮胎,而恒时四驱可以将扭矩按照40:60的比例分配给前后轮。

  Mercedes reveals fecelifted M-Class SUV

  Mercedes-Benz has updated its M-Class SUV for the 2009 model year, redesigning the car’s front end, upgrading the interior and improving mileage across the range.

  Five engines are available in the standard M-Class lineup with output ranging from 190 to 388hp (140 to 285kW). Minor improvements to the exhaust system and ECU sees a 0.4L/100km improvement in fuel economy across the board.

  The most powerful model remains the 6.3L V8 AMG model with 510hp (375kW) and 630Nm of torque. This is enough to send the big SUV from 0-100km/h in five seconds flat and reach an electronically limited top speed of 250km/h. Power is sent to all four wheels via AMG’s SpeedShift 7G-TRONIC automatic transmission, and the permanent all-wheel drive still features a 40:60 split between the front and rear wheels.

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