CBU/CARwill organize its MAS on March 16 atSwissôtel Grand Shanghaiwith a theme of Aftermarket under the New Regulatory Environment. Currently inviting the following speakers/panelists:
TBD, Bosch Aftermarket Greater China
Kevin Chen, Founder & CEO, yangche51.com
Chen Min, Founder & CEO, tuhu.cn
MISSIONTo help industry executives feel the pulse of China's changing automobile market through monthly professional discussions on most important current issues.FREQUENCY
Held alternatively in Beijing and Shanghai at 17:30-20:30, on the evening of the 2nd Wednesday of each month (3rd in case of national holiday), additional events in Guangzhou, Chongqing and Wuhan.
CONTENTRewarding professional gathering for in-depth discussions of the changing China market. Participants will be able to better understand and assess factors that may affect the market and their business operations, which includes but not limited to: regulatory environment, R&D, manufacturing, supply chain management, sales and marketing, dealer and distribution, financing and leasing, used vehicles, NEVs, connected vehicles, Internet cars, etc.FORMATInformation-packed two-hour informal seminar (18:30-20:30), preceded by a happy hour (17:30-18:30) of horderves. The seminar has a key-note presentation and round-table discussion by participants who are all panelists, a CBU Analytics end-user sales briefing.LANGUAGEEnglish onlyCOSTRMB 300 yuan per person (include Media) and (RMB 200 yuan for alumni) to help cover cost.SHANGHAI SESSION17:30-20:30, March 16 at Swissôtel Grand, ShanghaiTHEMEAftermarket under the New Regulatory Environment
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If you would like to be a corporate sponsor, to speak or to be a panelist, please contact CBU at:
TEL.: +86 10 8468 2019
FAX: +86 10 8468 2939
EMAIL: conference@cbuauto.com.cn