Li Shufu:China's Geely to purchase Ford's Volvo with great significance
Chinese Geely buys Volvo (Chinese)
Changan sticks to OEM contracts though Volvo acquired by Geely
Geely can't get core platform technologies by acquiring Volvo
Volvo & Saab now belong to Chinese automakers?
Geely to recruit talents for acquisition of Volvo
Geely to Face Burden after Buying Volvo
Exclusive Analysis: Who benefits most? New vehicle purchase tax bring 3 strange phenomenon
独家评论:看看谁最受益 中国车购税新政牵引三大怪象

The new vehicle purchase tax: Three appeared strange phenomenon in Chinese automobile market.
SAIC-GM-Wuling is exploring Indian car market

Its business model has been highly recognized by the shareholders and they hope to expand its successful experiences to the overseas markets..
Suspense of Mitsubishi:stay or leave?
三菱是去是留 广汽长丰重组仍有悬念待解

Future of Mitsubishi Motors is still a problem. Saying that ‘Mitsubishi’s shares of the Gacchangfeng Motor Corporation will increased to 16%’ .
Another new five-year plan of DFAC released
东风股份构建三品牌分网 确立新能源战略

‘N315 Scheme’: by 2014, the annual sales of Power Train are expected to reach 300 thousand units, overseas sales100 thousand units...
Auto Sohu is China’s largest Domestic multimedia auto news platform, providing various auto industry news in China available on
Editor:Simon Feng Desing:Ralap Li/Haley Wang