New energy vehicle development plan is to be launched
Half of 1.6-liter car’ Acquisition Tax continues to be cut down
Six Predictions(1): The Contradictions of Auto Policies
Six Predictions(2): EV to Become More Mature with Great Potentials
Six Predictions(3): Tengzhong May Cancel Bid for Hummer
Six Predictions(4): Honeymoon period of Chinese own auto brands
Six Predictions(5): Expected Growth of Market in 2010 to Reach 15%
Exclusive Analysis: The development of electric vehicles will be incorporated in National Strategies
独家评论:电动汽车将纳入国家战略 政府/企业豪赌未来
At present, relevant departments are planning to introduce Strategic deve-lopment Plan of Emerging Industries.
Geely's bottom line is 100% ownership of Volvo
两基金竞购沃尔沃 吉利谈判底线为100%控股
Geely aims 100% ownership of Volvo. This is the bottom line of the negotiation between Li Shufu and Volvo.
Marketing Techniques keep evolving due to competition
中国车市营销技法 竞争的漂移
With endeavor to search for every eye-catching element, domestic automakers even invite some hot artists of couple dance opera to promote vehicle images.
Shanghai Auto purchased 1% stake of Shanghai GM
Shanghai GM will add a board of directors, the actual seats in Shanghai GM will change to 6: 5 from 5: 5.
上海通用董事会将增加一名董事,由上汽香港委派,本公司和通用中国在上海通用董事会中实际拥有的席位将由原来的5 : 5变更为6 : 5。
Auto Sohu is China’s largest Domestic multimedia auto news platform, providing various auto industry news in China available on
Editor:Simon Feng Desing:Ralap Li/Haley Wang