Beyond Tokyo Auto Show / The highlights of successful Guangzhou Auto Show
Depth Report: 2009 Guangzhou Auto Show (Chinese)
[Mercedes-Benz China] Mao Jingbo:Mercedes-Benz builds energetic brand successfully
[Dongfeng Nissan] Toshiaki Otani:Nissan V-Platform model to enter Chinese market in 2010
[Toyota China] Masahiro Kato:Haven't decided to build new plant in Shanghai yet
[Volvo China] Bart Smits:Redesigned C30 to launch in China next year
[Volkswagen China]Yang Meihong:SEAT will be launched into China sooner or later
[Suzuki China]Tarumoto Koji:Suzuki will launch 2.4L medium top grade car next year
Exclusive analysis: Where will the growth points lie after Guangzhou Motor Show?

The majority of manufacturers optimistic thinking about the year 2010 is based on some premises.
Passenger car project of Guangzhou Auto Fiat gets approval of the Development and Reform Commission
广菲乘用车项目奠基 总投资额达50亿人民币

Total investments of passenger car project reaches to 5 billion RMB. Capacity will be an annual output of 140,000 units and 220,000 engines.
Volkswagen will invest in new plants and models
大众推行长期增长战略 将投资新车和新工厂

Volkswagen to invest 25.8 billion euros in the next 3years, 19.9 billion to be used for factory land, plant、equipment.
China Car Sales boom ahead of purchase tax concessions expiry at the end of this year
购车再掀大热 购置税减半政策进倒计时

State stimulus policies have encouraged the small-displacement vehicles with 1.6lit and below to make outstanding performances this year.
在国家政策鼓励下,1.6升以下小排量乘用车表现出色,累计506.08万辆,同比增60.43%, 占乘用车销售总量的69.89%,市场占有率为历年最高。
Auto Sohu is China’s largest Domestic multimedia auto news platform, providing various auto industry news in China available on
Editor:Simon Feng Desing:Ralap Li/Haley Wang