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  Martin Hayes(何斯庭)


  在汽车公关传播领域拥有40多年的经历。他最初曾是卡车与巴士行业记者,其后他曾在利兰集团(Leyland),米兰德国际银行(Midland)和达夫卡车公司(DAF)担任公关部总监。随后的7年时间,他从事独立公关咨询工作。2000年他创立了Automotive PR 公关咨询公司。他现在还担任英国汽车制造商与经销商协会公关委员会和英国交通安全委员会理事。最近几年,APR在中国市场开发新的客户,因此对中国汽车产业他也有相当丰富的经验。

  Executive Chairman

  Forty years plus in motor industry communications – both as a journalist and, for several decades, as a PR person – ensures that I have encountered just about every issue which can possibly emerge from our industry. But of course we live in revolutionary times – who could have forecast when I started out the growth of the internet, the collapse of two of the ‘Big Three’ automakers and the development of China as the world’s largest automotive market? My earlier career of writing about trucks and buses, fighting British Leyland’s corner against the assembled media corps, announcing the closure of many of the UK’s best known motor industry plants and later patrolling the corridors of power at one of Britain’s premier banks did little to hone my skills in managing such a group of spirited, talented and, yes, outspoken individuals as make up the APR team. But together we make up a powerhouse of talent focused on the single goal of enhancing the images of our clients and their products and services.

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