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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道


  Klaus Paur(包亦农)


  包亦农拥有20多年市场营销和市场研究经验, 其中13年致力于汽车行业。于1995年开始服务于TNS汽车组巴黎总部,主要负责欧洲和拉丁美洲地区广告的有效性分析。2003年,Klaus来到中国,开始组建TNS中国汽车组,并逐步开展TNS在中国内陆地区的汽车研究项目。在他的带领下,TNS中国汽车业务取得了快速的成长。2007年,包亦农被任命为北亚太区汽车研究总监,职责亦包括了大中华地区和韩国地区的汽车相关业务,以及TNS 北亚地区的协调运作,等等。包亦农原籍奥地利,拥有工商管理硕士学位,精通德语、法语和英语,略晓汉语。

  Klaus PaurSynovate Motoresearch,Managing Director

  Klaus has over 20 years of experience in marketing and market research, 15 of which have been spent specializing in the automotive industry.

  He started his automotive research career in 1995 as senior researcher for quantitative and qualitative ad-hoc studies at Sofresin Paris. In 1997 he took leadership of an international advertising effectiveness tracking survey across Europe and Latin America.

  At the beginning of 2003, Klaus relocated to Shanghai to head the TNS Automotive research practice in China. Under his leadership, the company’s automotive business in the mainland has significantly grown since then.

  In 2007, he was appointed Regional Director Automotive for North Asia, adding Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea to the scope of his responsibilities.

  Klaus holds a Master of Business Administration in Schiller International University Berlin, Paris. And also he is a Diplom-Kaufmann of University Munich.

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