When Football Style Encounter Auto:
Seven similarities of Chinese Auto Industry to Chinese football
Report in Depth - football style versus Auto development
[JAPAN] From Japanese football to see Japanese automakers steadily progressing as planned
[ENGLAND] British Auto Industry May Find It Tough To Revive
[FRANCE] French Automakers Eager to Embrace Victory Rather than Styles
[REPUBLIC OF KOREA] ROK Tries to Master Football and Automobile with Great Efforts
[GERMANY] German football versus German vehicles
Domestic production of Subaru start within two years as everything ready
斯巴鲁国产条件已俱备 或将2年内启动

Domestic production of Subaru will start within 2 years, which once again drove into wave of the “localization”.
Geely to boost Volvo annual China sales to 150,000 by 2015
沃尔沃五年规划浮出水面 力争年销售15万辆

As for the production base for Volvo, several Chinese cities such as Beijing, Ningbo, Chengdu and Shanghai.
New Deal to form national team as new energy vehicles threshold boosted
新能源车准入门槛提高 拟建国家队应对

Planning aims at guiding development of China’s energy-saving and new energy vehicle from 2011 to 2020.
Small-displacement flat VS Large displacement hot in the second half?

During the first five months of this year, cars with a displacement of higher than 2.5 liters have gained the fastest sales growth.
Auto Sohu is China’s largest Domestic multimedia auto news platform, providing various auto industry news in China available on auto.sohu.com
Editor:Simon Feng Design:Ralap Li/Haley Wang Email:simonfeng@sohu-inc.com