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ROK Tries to Master Football and Automobile

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  Now the World Cup in South Africa is going on with great popularity and football fans have witnessed joys and sorrows. As to Asian football teams, only South Korea and Japan advanced into top 16. South Korea for the first time became one of the top 16 teams in the away ground. Now South Korea is heading for the top 8. In South Africa, South Korea's final ranking will be determined by the match with Uruguay which will be held on June 26. Even if South Korea stops at top 16, the football team has already shown great performance. In the World Cup there are so many strong competitors. South Korean football team has ranked in the list of top 16, which attracts millions of people's attention and respect.

  No matter what final ranking South Korea's football team can get, the overall image of Korean cars has been well-known during the World Cup. As the top sponsor of the World Cup, Hyundai Motor invested a great amount of money. Football fans around the globe can always notice that HYUNDAI exist everywhere in South Africa. Wandering in the cities where major competitions are held, you will find that football players from each team will get on HYUNDAI buses. FIFA officials and other guests will have a ride in new-generation Sonata and Hyundai's commercial vehicles. In parks in Johannesburg, Hyundai's logo painted on balloons is really eye-catching. Since Hyundai has invested huge amounts of money, it is necessary for it to demonstrate its logo.

  Compared with other automakers, Hyundai is the only one which is associated with the World Cup in South Africa. Other giant automobile manufacturers can only act as spectators. In 2008 Olympic Games, Volkswagen is the exclusive auto sponsor. In Shanghai Expo, GM and SAIC got a great opportunity. In addition, Hyundai Motor will continue to be the sponsor of the next World Cup in Brazil.

  As a top sponsor for the World Cup, Hyundai has to gain some benefits after making huge investments. If Hyundai fails to promote its global business with such a positive trend, its investment in World Cup will become a laughing stock. After the World Cup was held in Japan and South Korea in 2002, Hyundai's global business developed rapidly. Hyundai's ranking in the world rose to fifth from seventh. When the global financial crisis hit the world, some automakers found it tough to face the challenge. However, Hyundai took the opportunity and promoted its global sales.

  South Korea's football style and its auto industry actually have something spiritual in common. Compared with football players from Europe and South America, South Korea's players may not be that strong and energetic. However, as to hard-working spirit Korean people are not left behind. The stubborn characteristics in Korean people's temperament are obvious. Spirit is the foundation of football competition. Without spirit, any team will just act as Chinese football team. In order to gain a higher ranking, every team has to rely on skills and strength. In the point, South Korean football team has fully demonstrated its skills by advancing into top 16 teams in the World Cup. As a small country, it can win respect by hard-working spirit and a convincing performance. In Asia, Japan and South Korea have realized the goal.

  Korean auto industry has some similar experience. From a car repair shop, Hyundai finally rose to a giant manufacturer with huge efforts in several decades. Though South Korea is a small country, Hyundai has a vast market in the world. In some developed countries where auto industry is highly developed, Hyundai once faced some tough challenges. In Germany, Hyundai met great difficulties in developing its business. Fortunately, it achieved great success in the United States. As to medium and small size models, Hyundai can compete with any other auto giant. However, regarding high-end models, Hyundai cannot evenly match its rivals. In the same way, South Korea's football team may lose the games when competing with Germany and Brazil. South Korea's football and automobile have to accumulate power to challenge those strongest rivals. With aggressive spirit and driving forces, South Korea will achieve great success in the near future.

  Asia needs a new model. Large countries can learn from small countries. (Translator: Qinghua/Hanxin)

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