Does American football have something to do with American cars? It seems not. If we insist on finding similarities, there are many.
It is likely that American football will create miracles in 2010 World Cup in South Africa. After the first round, the U.S. team still hasn’t lost a game, and the U.S. fans showed appeal and cross-border effect of football by their enthusiasm and high television ratings. Americans once conquered the world by their car culture, and football culture also have chance to conquer world.
However, situation of the U.S. soccer and American cars are now very different, with one is thriving and the other is twilight. American team participated in the World Cup in 1930 for the first time. That is, American team participated in the World Cup from the first session and starting is not late, which is similar to China's auto industry, Japan’s auto industry, and auto industry of South Korea. Starting of China, Japan and South Korea is not late even before America but eventually succumbed. Since 1930 World Cup performance of American football was unsatisfactory. After beaten England in 1950 for the first time, American football team has been eliminated in the qualifying stage until 1990. Since 1990, American football team could participate in final stage of World Cup except 2006. To conclude, performance of American football is getting better and better.
It is said that Americans’ love for football and increasing fans are because more and more Hispanic people slowly began to form the cornerstone of American fans. If this trend continues, soccer in the United States really could become the mainstream sports item in the next several years,
In contrast, situation of American auto industry is different. The U.S. car once was brilliant. Although Germans invented car, Americans made it popular. By taking advantage of line production invented Ford and continuous advances in technology, Americans have been stand upright in the forefront of the development of the world auto industry. However, the strong do not always. Hit by several round of high oil prices coupled with rising of the Japanese automakers, American auto industry began losing it advantage. Finally, in 2009, GM and Chrysler entered into bankruptcy, and Ford sold business in order to survive. The U.S. car has become yesterday's story and ridicule of other countries.
Why U.S. auto industry slipped into such a poor situation? That is because it is stubborn or unwilling to adjust. Like the U.S. football, it is too focus on practical without many fancy moves. To adopt a defensive counterattack method against the top teams in the match and use physical advantage when is faced with weak teams. Although the above method let some skilled team feel embarrassed, analysts who know football say drawback of this team is lack of adjustment capability on the court, so often confront with reversal for confused state. Also, U.S. players are energetic and wild, which is the same as U.S. cars especially those mighty pickup. Unfortunately, these two styles are a bit outdated.
Take football for example, the overall technical level of U.S. soccer is still ordinary. Compared with the strong teams in Europe and Brazil in South America, U.S. soccer is still too rough, and has brave more than delicate. In the auto industry, although the United States continues to use some new energy-saving technologies, cars are still cost oil. Interior decoration and appearance of U.S. cars also need learn form Europe and Japan.
So what can U.S. auto learn from American football? The most important thing is learning the entrepreneurial spirit of American football. Football has been a non-mainstream sport in the United States, but American football didn’t give up and continued to move along. It is this spirit that guarantees the United States team's performance in recent years at the World Cup.
Retreating of U.S. car precisely is because of its arrogant and defiant to a large extent. Over the years, U.S. auto industry looked down upon aggressive campaign from Japanese cars and tendency of small and light weight so suffer in the end. Changes in the development of new methods are not easy, but to remedy the situation is much better than stubborn.
U.S. car should lower its arrogance and learn Japanese and Korean cars. It shouldn’t always take itself too seriously and yesterday's glory was over. Take the security of the U.S. team for example, South Africa is afflicted with it and South Africa even wanted to see the U.S. team go home after the first round. If the U.S. team has a pleasant journey and successfully enter the eliminating match, Obama maybe fly to South Africa so that a worry for South Africans. So, U.S. auto shouldn’t take itself too seriously, and should have cleat development direction.
It is also important that both playing football and making cars need carry forward the spirit of American self-confidence. We need to be worried about Americans on this point, but sometimes is simply arrogant. Although the decline of American car now, it is still powerful. As long as it corrects attitude then can catch up with competitors. Back to football with the immigrant gradually increasing and fan culture gradually becomes mature, it is possible that American football will be same as rugby and basketball in U.S. (Translator: Qinghua Wade)
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