搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

PetroChina: Not Involved into EV Charging

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  According to Shanghai Security News, in yesterday’s “PetroChina Shanghai Performance Road Show”,Li Linhua, deputy CEO and board secretary of the Company indicated that PetroChina would not be involved into the construction field of electric vehicle charging station.

  At the same time, Li stated that resources tax reform would be carried out together with the mineral resources compensations and special levy reforms.

  No development of other new energy projects beyond its core business at present

  “Currently PetroChina has no plan for development of new energy projects beyond our core business. We will keep focus on the new energy such as coalbed methane, shale gas cellulose and non-crop fuel alcohol”, said Li.

  As PetroChina had confirmed that it would take advantage of its filing station network to develop EV charging stations, people are watching closely to the next move of PetroChina whose number of filing stations is immediately after that of Sinopec. However the statement of Li obviously gives a negative answer to such guess.

  In respect of the overseas business of PetroChina, Li indicated that, up till 2020, the oil demand in China may be up to 60 millions tons, and PetroChina planned to ensure the oil supply of 40 millions tons, among which 20 million tons would come from the overseas. The series overseas takeovers by PetroChina will lay the basis for its future plan.

  What is more, according to Li, the negotiation between PetroChina and Russia on gas has made remarkable progress. It is planned to import 68 billion tons of natural gas from Russia, among which, 30 billions tons will be imported through the west line and 38 billions through the east line.

  Expecting the threshold for charge on special levy

  Resources tax reform, which has caught close attention of the public this years, is always imperative for discussion of recourses. Li said that, “The government will definitely introduce the resources tax at a proper time, and in our opinion, resources tax reform would be carried out together with the mineral resources compensations and special levy reforms.

  “The threshold for charge on special levy was designed under the circumstance that the international oil price was not very high. However, things have changed a lot that the oil price has rising greatly”, he said, “We hope to raise the threshold charge on special levy”.

  (Translator: yalong/ Jessie)

  See original Chinese report Please click: http://auto.sohu.com/20100402/n271274116.shtml





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