搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

3 economists engaged as consultants for

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  On august 14, auto sohu, together with China Marketing Association and CCIV jointly organized The 7th Auto Marketing Summits Brainstorming Session in Lhasa, Xizang. During this summit, 3 economists have been engaged as consultants for China Automobile Marketing Expert Committee, who will help committee of experts and automakers well master the general economic trends and the development orientation of China automobile industry.

  3 consultants include Yu Bing, director general of the Department of Macroeconomic Research at Development Research Centre of the State Council (DRC), Wang Xiaochang, researcher of Decision Counseling Department of Chinese Academy of Governance, as well as Zhao Ying, director of Industry Development Office of Institute of Industry Economics of CASS.

  Mr. Guo Dongle, managing deputy president and secretary general of China Marketing Association, issues them certificates. (Translator: qinghua/serena)

  See original Chinese report please clicks: http://auto.sohu.com/20100814/n274208625.shtml






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