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Xu Zhijun serves as president of BMW China

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  Xu Zhijun was appointed as president of BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd, as well as Lu Yi serves as the company’s vice president.

  BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd declared that starting from today, the company appointed Xu Zhijun as new president, and appointed Lu Yi as vice president and marketing executive. Mr. Karl Heinz Schmid, the former president of BMW China, has been retired.

  Mr. Xu Zhijun joined in BMW GROUP in 1997, and has served as vice president of BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd since 2006, April. He has owned rich experiences in terms of marketing and management.

  Mr. Lu Yi joined BMW Group in the end of 2004, who was successively in charge of corporate affairs, including enterprise and product promotion, and government affairs, as well as regional management in East China.

  Mr. Xu Zhijun was born in December, 1958.

  In 1986, he graduated from Singapore Institute of Management, and accepted graduate degree majoring in marketing management.

  In the same year, he obtained the qualification of marketing management in The Chartered Institute of Marketing.

  In 1991, he obtained MBA from Durham University, Great Britain.

  From August, 1989 till December 1996, he successively served as supervisor in many multinational corporations.

  From Jan, 1997 till Jan, 2004, he served as regional manager, in charge of China, Hong Kong, and Macao.

  From April, 2006 till August, 2010, he served as vice president of BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd.

  Since Sep, 1, 2010, he has been appointed as president of BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd (translator: Qinghua/serena)

  See original Chinese report please click: http://auto.sohu.com/20100827/n274515458.shtml




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