搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

Dongyang:12th Five-Year Plan no longer focu

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  During2010 International Forum on China Automotive Industry Development, SOHU AUTO interviewed Secretary-General of China Association of Automobile Dong Yang about the 12th Five-Year Plan for the automotive industry. He said that during the period of 12th Five-Year Plan, the focus will be some more substantive issues rather than the auto production and sales planning.

  Dong Yang said we put forward our views and suggestions for the 12th Five-Year Plan. According to SOHU AUTO, Ministry of industry and information technology has commissioned China Association of Automobile to do the research work for the 12th Five-Year Plan. And the Association has already worked out the draft.

  Dong Yang said, “In the past the planning was made by one authority. The automakers had to obey to the planning strictly. However, things will be quite different from now on.

  According to the 12th Five-Year Plan, our SOHU AUTO also interviewed Zhang Xiao, vice president of China Machinery Industry Federation. He also said that 12th Five-Year Plan must not be made in the same way as before. In fact, although the previous five-year plans focused on production and sales planning, they all turned out to be a joke. Therefore, we should change the way to do things.

  (Translator: Yalong/Jessie)

  See original Chinese report Please click:





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