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罗威:企业兼并要明晰产品定位 特色经营

来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道


  Bill Russo(罗威)



  Mr. Russo is the President of Synergistics Limited and a Senior Industry Advisor with Booz & Company based in Beijing.

  He has over 25 years of industry experience in driving strategy and performance improvement in Fortune 500 environments.

  He has over 15 years experience as an automotive executive, including 6 years of experience in China and Asia.

  As Vice President of North East Asia automotive operations for Chrysler, he successfully negotiated and secured government approval for 6 vehicle programs within a 3-year time period with 3 different Asian partners. In this time period, he launched a regional holding company as well as 2 distribution companies. Bill oversaw the industrialization of the first Chrysler and Dodge-branded vehicles in Asia.

  As head of Product & Business Strategy, he led the integration of 3 key planning functions: strategic planning, long-range product planning and the capital investment plan. He had played a major role in achieving a major business turnaround by strengthening operational transparency through deployment of a system-wide balanced scorecard.

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