9 in 12 Automakers favor simultaneous development of multiple new energy vehicles
Debate: China new energy development route (Chinese)
[Nissan China] 4 steps to decide EV China production
[Toyota China] Fully develop varied types of new energy products
[Ford China] Introducing new energy-saving technologies to China
[SAIC] To promote new energy vehicles while upgrade traditional engine
[FAW] To Develop Hybrid Vehicles is More Realistic
Exclusive news: Domestic and Foreign Automakers to Comply With New Recall Rules
独家新闻:汽车召回条例征意见 拒绝召回最高罚一半货款

Automakers have to shoulder criminal liability. The maximum fine may total up to half of the products' price.
Fuel consumption standard of passenger vehicles reaches 5L/100km in 2020

What will China’s passenger vehicles fuel consumption limit standard be in 2020? “That will be 5 L / 100 km".
Energy-saving automobile subsidy pulls up 400 billion's consumptive demand

The consumer demand for energy-saving autos will be boosted to 400 billions by 2012.
Car shoppers continue to wait and see in automotive market
消费者持续观望 下半年车市是喜是忧?

Someone even thought it would be more economical to purchase vehicles in the fourth quarter.
Auto Sohu is China’s largest Domestic multimedia auto news platform, providing various auto industry news in China available on auto.sohu.com
Editor:Simon Feng Design:Ralap Li/Haley Wang Email:simonfeng@sohu-inc.com