According to information from reliable sources, recently relevant officials at regulators of China’s auto industry and tax departments are conducting study about auto fuel consumption management system in Japan and U.S.
China issued the first standard of vehicle fuel consumption limit in 2004, and currently is developing the third phase passenger vehicles fuel consumption limit standard and medium-weight and heavy commercial vehicles test standards, which have attracted great attention from auto industry.
With the national vehicle population continues to grow, China is facing increasing pressure of energy and the environment.
Which is the main content of the third phase passenger vehicles fuel consumption limit standard? What should auto manufacturers pay attention to? On 2010 China Automobile Engine High-level Seminar held by the China Automotive Technology and Research Center and China's auto industry information network on June 24, Wang Zhao, Secretary-General at the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee explained.
According to Wang Zhao, overall purpose of the third phase passenger vehicles fuel consumption limit standard that began prepared from 2008 is to take into account the technical situation of China’s auto industry, energy consumption level and overall national energy situation, to reduce by 15% of fuel consumption level based on the level of 2007 and 2008. It also included reducing by 20% of energy consumption of 10 thousand yuan GDP. Overall goal is after implementation of the standard, average fuel consumption level of China’s passenger cars can reach 7L / 100 km by 2015 and carbon dioxide emission standard is equivalent to 167 grams / km.
Wang Zhao pointed out that the goal was determined according to the then vehicle population structure including fuel supply structure without considering new technologies such as hybrid and electric vehicles, for then they didn’t expect these technologies can account for a big share in China’s vehicle population before 2015.
In addition, a feature of the standard formulation of is still continued idea of tightening big while encouraging small. In other words, Chinese government encourages development of small, lightweight, and low fuel consumption vehicles.
According to statistics in 2008 and 2009, only about 5% of the models can meet the limits of the target fuel consumption level.
It is understood that the original goal was to implement the new standard in 2012. However, considering that many companies said that if implemented the new standard will affect their formulation of long-term planning. Therefore, starting from the global auto industry, relevant departments decided to introduce this standard in 2012 and officially implement in 2015 so that majority of auto enterprises have a longer transition period.
Although the third phase passenger vehicles fuel consumption limit standard provides auto enterprise with a chance to breathe, taking planning implemented by main auto-producing countries into account, decline range of China's average fuel consumption limit significantly shows a tendency of tight at first and then loose. That is, decline range of China is less than foreign countries in early stage, and decline range of China has to catch up with foreign countries so that can reach world standard.
Then, according to tendency of tight at first and then loose, will China’s passenger vehicles fuel consumption limit standard be in 2020? “That will be 5 L / 100 km", said Wang Zhao. Besides, it is said this figure is consistent with plan proposed by National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Science and other major government departments.
Though it seems that there is no pressure now, China’s entire vehicle enterprise and engine enterprises should fully prepare in the next 10 years. Otherwise, reorganization of China’s auto industry can not be started from funds, production but from standards. (Translator: Qinghua Wade)
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