搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

GAF to Form Constructive Proposals

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  On September 16, 2010, the Globe Automotive Form was opened in Chengdu, Wang Zhonglin, Vice Mayor of Chengdu, was the host of this Form. Wang Xia and Liu Chao, two members of Chengdu Municipal Committees, made the opening speeches. Wang Xia pointed out that the objective of Globe Automotive Form was to promote globe manufacturers to communicate with medias and form constructive proposals and plans.

  September 16, 2010, the Globe Automotive Form in Chengdu is opened. Liu Chao, member of Chengdu Municipal Standing Committee made a speech at the opening ceremony.

  Liu Chao pointed out that the basic layout of Chengdu automotive industry has been formed. Chengdu auto industry is entering a period of rapid development. Chengdu will continue to improve the level of opening up and to provide a better environment for foreign investment in the automotive industry.

  September 16, 2010, the Globe Automotive Form is being opened in Chengdu. Wang Xia made a speech at the opening ceremony.

  Wang Xia pointed out that the aims of Globe Automotive Form were to promote globe manufacturers to communicate with Medias worldwide and form constructive proposals and plans as well as publish the latest progress in economy, technology, and trade. .

  Wang also pointed out that from the current global perspective, the automotive industry is addressing overcapacity. In worldwide, consumer habits, preferences, expectations have changed a lot. In the context of the global economic crisis, these changes are accelerating. Energy and Changes in environmental will have a profound impact on future direction of the automotive industry in the worldwide and during the urbanization in Asia.

  Wang hoped through the global issues discussed in this forum, the participants can have a deeper understanding of the global automotive market and to establish bilateral or multilateral communications in order than Chinese automobile enterprises can participate in the State Competition with better performance.

  Mr. Rufus Yerxa, the Director-General of World Trade Organization pointed out at the Globe Automotive Form that the global shortage of resources and rising energy prices in the future may force us to face these challenges together and work together to find solutions. At the same time, the global trades are getting more closely connected, while the periodic fluctuations in global economic made world trade dropped by 20% over the past two years. Although some Asian countries have significantly recovered, the rest of the world markets are facing different pressure.

  (Translator: Yalong/Jessie)




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