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2009 China Auto Production Capacity Survey

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

According to the latest new in December 15th, “Automobile Industry Developing Policy” is adjusting in a large scale. The revised version will be officially published in the first half year in 2010. One of the important changes is: 2015, China’s own brand passenger cars will reach 50% of the domestic car market share, which own brand sedan will hold probably 40% of total market share. In addition, the overseas sale of large leading automobile enterprises should make up 20% of its total sales.

Combing the Chinese auto industry production capacity survey by Sohu Auto, Liu Peng finds out: At present, the own brands have already begun a large-scale planning of production capacity. Although the current own brand passenger cars are only sold by the half amount of the joint-venture brands, after three years, the production capacity planning of own brands will catch up with joint-venture brands. In 2012, major passenger car’s companies of own brand will reach 3.7 times the production capacity of current quantity of sale.

  The tendency of expansion is far crazier than the micro area.

  The general situation of China’s auto industry production capacity

According to the statistics about the current quantity of sale and production capacity planning in the future, which includes 36 companies of major own brands passenger cars in China, the production capacity of 18 joint venture enterprises can only increase 50% of the current production, which is relatively cautious of the expectation in the future. On the other hand, 18 companies of own brands have an almost quadruple increase, which can only describe as madness. The micro area is expected to be more than 15 by 2012, and the capacity planning will be more than 5.5 million (far beyond 4 million previously reported). But compared with own brand passenger cars, it doesn’t seem “too hot”. (Jianfei Keke)

  See original Chinese report Please click

  (Jianfei Keke)





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