搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

2010 Chery Sales target 720,000 units

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  A Reporter of Beijing Times recently learned from Chery its sales target of2010 is 72 million units, a growth of about 22 million compared with that of 2009.

  In 2009, Chery sold out more than 450, 000 units in domestic auto market and nearly50, 000 units in the international market, which were totally 500,300 units, up 49% from a year earlier.

  Ma Deji, General manager of Chery Automobile Sales Corporation said that among the sales target of 720,000 units in 2010, 430,000 units will be allocated to their company with the main products of QQ, A3, FY-2, Cowin and A5. New models of Chery include FY-2 hatchback, a sport car introduced in October and a B-class model which will be available in the market in late 2010. Ma said that this year they will adhere to the original marketing pattern and continue to develop the secondary and tertiary markets.

  In addition to Chery brands, the Karry mini-car brand has just released a sales target of 150,000 units. Kirin automobile sales company and Chery International Corporation will share the remaining task of 140,000 units.(translator: yalong/Jessie)

  See original Chinese report Please click:






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