搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

2010 Geely Sales target 412,000

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  Today Geely has officially clarified its marketing strategy of 2010, which is to further implement the overall strategy of “no price competition, no price cuts”, and to transfer the competition in sales volume to the field of quality, services and marketing capabilities. Geely is to build a marketing value chain with the core of customer life cycle and to continuously promote the building of multi-brands and quickly upgrade its brand image. In 2010, Geely is ambitious to become the best Chinese self-owned brand. The sales target is set at 412,000 units.

  It is reported by Yangzi Evening News that in 2009, Geely has sold out 300,000 units in domestic market for the first time, up 108% from a year earlier. The introduction of Geely Panda and Dorsett EC718 proved to be successful. The implementation of multi-brand strategy and the great promotion of service quality significantly changed the market recognition, reputation and corporate image, product image of Geely.(Translator: yalong/Jessie)

  See original Chinese report Please click:






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