搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

EV Charging Standard May Be Issued by June

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  The establishment of charging stations is the most eye-catching project as to the plans for 2010 of the State Grid Corporation of China, among which the issuance of electric vehicles’ charging standard will take one step ahead.

  It is exclusively learned by Shanghai Securities News that discussion paper of electric vehicle charging interface standard has been submitted to the State Standard Committee and will be introduced as soon as in June. After the introduction of the charging standard, the construction of charging station in Shenzhen will be raced, where 20,000 charging station are planned to be built.

  The standard is in the charge of the National Automotive Standardization Technical Committee, led by Tianjin Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Co. Ltd. In addition to the State Grid Corporation of China BYD, Chery and other auto companies will get involved in the project, according to the National Standardization Committee.

  There has never been a uniformed standard for charging station interface in China. The introduction of charging interface standard is expected to change this situation. According to some relevant sources involved in drafting the standard, the charging interface standards which we are undertaking will have an impact on the formulation of some international standards, especially in DC charging interface and control logic for the security protection. It is first time for China to do that. When Germany’s BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen talked with Chinese counterparts on the matters of related infrastructure standards last Friday, they were very shocked by China’s progress. (Translator:Qinghua/Sailor)

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