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70% believe China to be auto giant in 20yrs

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  In the past 2009 year, China became the largest automobile consumer market of the world. The growth rate of new car’s sales draws the global attention. Some people become that China has already become an automotive powerhouse, and are stepping to become auto giant. But there are also arguments that China has already shown some characters of an automobile giant.

  Just before the “Two Session” (NPC and CPPCC) in 2010, Sohu Auto launches specially the investigation “The road map for China to become automotive giant”. As a link of industry chain of Chinese auto, Sohu Auto hopes to make humble efforts for the sustainable development of China’s auto industry.

How far is China away from automobile giant?


5 years

10 years


30 years

Even far

Expert commantator

(36 units effective )






Media professionals

(105 units effective)







(12 units effective)







 (153 units effective)






   This survey started since February 23. The editorial office of Sohu Auto sent the survey per Email to the interviewees in the industry. Up to 20:00 on 25th. February, 153 valid questionnaires have been collected, including 36 units from industry experts and commentators, 105 units of auto media professionals, 12 units from executives of vehicle companies. From 26th. February, the survey is open to internet user in Sohu Auto. Not only accessing to the opinions of the public, we will also continue to send the survey directly to the relevant responsible person of government departments, top management of car companies, experts and scholars, editor-in-chiefs of auto media, in order to collect the opinions of leaders in a wider range.

  Over 40% of interviewees believe that China still needs 10 years to become auto giant.

  Viewing the interviewees from the recovered questionnaire, there are not only expert commentators in the auto industry, including the chief commentator of Sohu Auto Mr. Jia Xinguang; the secretary-general of Joint Advisory Committee of China Passenger Car Market (JACCPCM) Mr. Rao Da; the deputy secretary-general of JACCPCM Mr. Yang Zaiyu; the deputy dean of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautice Mr. Xu Xiangyang; the senior expert of vehicle industry Mr. Chen Guangzu, and so on, but also experienced editors and journalists, such as the senior reporter of Xinhua News Agency Zhang Yi; Auto weekly magazine’s editor-in-chief of "Beijing Evening News" Liu Jing; the editor-in-chief of "Beijing News" Auto page He Xingyan; the editor-in-chief of the Auto department of "Hangzhou Daily" Yang Ming; the editor for responsibility from Auto weekly magazine of Shanghai “Youth Daily” Zou Yong; “Jiangnan City Newspaper” Auto page’s editor-in-chief Xiong Chicheng; the chief reporter of “Liaoshen Evening News” Cui Yifan.

  At the meantime, Guangzhou Toyota Motor Co. Ltd., |Beijing Hyundai Motor Co. Ltd., Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile Co., Ltd., Dongfeng Yueda Kia Automobile Co.,Ltd. and other domestic and foreign mainstream auto corporations have also sent back their executives’ opinions and the voices of enterprises in succession.

  During the statistics’ compilation for this survey, we are delighted to find out that 100% of the interviewees believe unanimously that China has without doubt became “auto powerhouse” of the world. At the same time, 100% of the respondents agree that China will be the next country to be “automobile giant”, which is just the matter of time.

  Among the interviewees, 41% of the people hold very optimistic point of view about the development prospects of China’s vehicle industry. They believe that from now on, it will only take 10 years for China to turn into automotive giant, which will be achieved in 2020.

  31% of the interviewees think the Chinese auto giant dream will still need 20 years.

  About the question, how far is China away from automobile giant, more than 70% of the respondents are of the opinion that it will take no longer than 20 years for China to become an automotive giant. Mr. Hu Su, the deputy general manager of Guangzhou Toyota Motor, said during the survey, he is confident that China will develop into the world’s automobile giant in the next 10 to 20 years.

  Mr. Zhang Xiaoyu, vice chairman of China Machinery Industry Federation (CMIF) and director-in-general of Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-China), said that China is expected to develop into an auto giant after ten years. On the other hand, Mr. Jia Xinguang, the senior auto industry analyst and the chief commentator of Sohu Auto, believe that in the next 20 years to pursue auto giant dream, domestic vehicle corporations, led by Geely and BYD, will ultimately become the representatives of Chinese automotives, which will compete with other auto giants on the world stage.

  See original Chinese report Please click:


  (Jianfei Keke)





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