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FAQs involve Global Automotive Forum

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  Where will the Global Automotive Forum be held?

  The Global Automotive Forum is reserved to top level executives. The 2010 inaugural meeting will be held in Chengdu Jiaozi Convention Center.

  Where will I stay?

  A preferential has been negotiated at InterContinental Century City Hotel in Chengdu, please visit the website below for details:


  What is the working language of the meetings?

  Sessions will be held in English and Chinese with simultaneous interpretation in most sessions.

  What does registration fee include?

  Registration (USD 1,500) covers all activities mentioned in the program. An accompanying spouse is also covered for his/her attendance in all the activities of the program. Travel and accommodation are not covered by the registration fee and need to be organized separately.

  When do I need to register?

  Register before August 15, 2010 will receive 20% early bird saving. The early bird price is USD 1,200. Therefore, we recommend that you register as soon as possible.

  Where do I find additional information about the program?

  Updated information about the meeting and its program can be found on our website:


  For more information:


  Global Automotive Forum Organizing Committee

  46 Sanlihe Road, Beijing, P. R. China 100823

  Tel: +86 10 6859 4853

  Fax: +86 10 6859 5076

  Email: info@ga-forum.org



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