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Paul Ingrassia 普利策新闻奖获得者

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

普利策新闻奖获得者保罗·英格拉西亚( Paul Ingrassia )

    作为前《华尔街日报》驻底特律局长(Detroit bureau chief),保罗·英格拉西亚对于汽车行业的见解头头是道,观点极具权威,且充满信心。在1993年,他凭借对通用汽车管理危机以及治理方面的纷争(Boardroom Revolt)的报道获得了普利策奖新闻奖( Pulitzer Prize)。保罗·英格拉西亚记录了汽车行业在过去25年的成功兴衰。作为前道琼斯新闻社的总裁,他曾接受了记者的训练,并同事享有商业运作的直接经验。
许多媒体节目中都纷纷邀请保罗·英格拉西亚加盟。其中包括美国国家公共广播电台(NPR)的“Morning Edition“ 节目和The Diane Rehm Show、美国CNBC电视台的财经栏目“财经论谈”(Squawk Box)节目以及由美国广播公司主播查尔斯-吉布森(Charles Gibson)主持的《世界新闻》(World News)节目以及美国广播公司“早安美国”(Good Morning America)

  As the former Detroit bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal, Paul Ingrassia speaks with authority and confidence about the automotive industry. In 1993, he won the Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the management crisis and boardroom revolt at General Motors. Ingrassia has chronicled the car industry's successes and epic failures over the past twenty-five years, and as a former executive of Dow Jones, he is one of the few authors who has been trained as a journalist and has direct experience in running a business. His is in demand on many media programs, including NPR's Morning Edition and The Diane Rehm Show; CNBC's Squawk Box; ABC World News with Charles Gibson; and Good Morning America.



精准搜索: 5万 8万 12万 15万 22万 35万 50万 70万以上
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