搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

Ren Hongyan:China to exceed US in 2013

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]
来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

Two data, some of the scientists’ conclusions as reminder to everyone, there are both datum from 1998 and 2001 show that there were photochemical objects appearing. We may have heard about the London smog event which was mainly due to coal burning, both of the reports are caused by reasons of motor vehicles and have a great matter with the vehicle emissions of VOC. The difference of a yellow-label vehicle and a green-label vehicle is that the total displacement volume of a yellow-label vehicle equals the total amount of emissions of 12 green-label vehicles. Now from December 1st starts the label management for all driving vehicles which can be divided according to the different emission standards into yellow label and green label. First of all both of the labels are qualified; there will be no label available if the vehicle fails the qualification. Beijing has limited rules for yellow-label vehicles and now the state has adopted measures to accelerate the phase-out of the yellow-label vehicles.

This is particulate matter emitted by diesel vehicles for one hour that is a totally different concept from what we call dirty dust on the road. It’s very, very small, as I have just mentioned, it can enter the bloodstream through the alveoli to your blood since it’s extremely small, one-hour discharge is more than 100 grams.

This is our nation's air quality, our nation's air quality standards in the WHO limits fit sort of medium standards, but still there are 7 cities in the country, and now there are 655 cities in the country, there are only 519 cities have monitoring capability, there are 7 cities in level-3 poorness, that is not suitable for human habitation, there are 113 cities are in line with level-3, not meeting the standards of level-2, that is to barely be able to live, so there are still many cities living in an unhealthy environment.

Regulatory system, start with the legal system, second, regulatory system, let’s also talk about achievements we’ve made in the past.

What is quoted most is the "Air Act", actually there is another "Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law", after several revisions of "Air Act", in the first time promulgation there were no contents about motor vehicles, and later at the request of the National People's Congress in 1987, the contents of the motor vehicle pollution control was added in year 2000 when they dedicated a chapter out, this time for National People's Congress in 2009 a new "Air Law" amendment is started in which the length of the motor vehicles account for roughly 1 / 6 or so, a large amount is about the motor vehicles because there are two sources of the pollution prevention and control to the air, a stationary source and a mobile source, latter mostly caused by motor vehicles, stationary source might be electric and industrial enterprises. Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act would be probably promulgated by National People's Congress next year, as of this year, it’s still on the level of the State Council, we are now drafting Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act with Legislative Affairs Office of State Council .

The "Air Act" involves a great deal of content and includes two stringent requirements. The first states that vehicles may not exceed standards, which are very strict. The second states that vehicles which exceed standards will be punished by confiscation or a fine of more than 5 times the original amount. In fact, this year, the Ministry received many requests for consultations concerning penalties. For example, some time ago there was a very large case involving a fine of more than more than 10 billion RMB, and later, due to a variety of reasons, the penalty was waived. Recently, the Trade and Industry Bureau in Chengdu has been penalizing vehicles which are found to be in violation of the requirements of the "Air Act.”

The most important condition in vehicle management is that cars which do not meet standards must not be allowed on the road, and currently this is the reason why vehicles with the environmental protection labels must meet standards and why we do annual inspections of these vehicles. As for fuel management, the first priority is to reduce hazardous substances in fuels, for which the "Air Act" has a corresponding requirement.

Another large part is the standard system, from the first motor vehicle emission standards our country announced in 1983 to now, there are more frequent revisions after 2001, we are now commissioning the drafting of Country 5 to form the basic standards. There are altogether more than 100 standards including atmosphere emissions and noise pollution, which are extremely numerous and complicated. Involved contents include many factors such as automobiles, motorcycles, agricultural vehicles, engines, off-road machinery and problems involving exhaust, noise, and vehicle gasoline.

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