2009中国汽车工程学会年会将于2009年10月20-22日在北京铁道大厦举办。年会主要活动包括:先进汽车节能减排技术研讨会、专题分会场交流会、年美籍汽车专家来华讲学活动、技术参观等。以下是参会嘉宾 华金声 简介:
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康明斯公司全球副总裁/康明斯东亚区总裁 华金声 将做题为《排放进步–中国汽车业的“绿色”机遇(Emission Reduction –The “Green” Opportunity)》的主旨演讲 |
华金声(John Watkins)是康明斯公司副总裁兼康明斯东亚区总裁。康明斯中国雇员总数愈7000人,有21家生产企业和机构。康明斯与中国的商业合作始自1975年,历经三十多年的发展,康明斯在华拥有范围广泛的生产、分销和分销服务网络,是经营最为成功的在华跨国公司之一。康明斯在中国还一直致力于通过教育、环保和慈善活动来回馈社区。
华金声目前担任中国美国商会2009年主席, 他曾经三次担任中国美国商会副主席。华金声现任中国人民基金会的董事,这是一家私营的非营利慈善机构。2002-2005年期间华金声曾担任北京国际基督教协进会的主席。在航空业工作期间,华金声曾经四次被推举为外航驻华代表协会主席。他还是国际青年成就组织中国区的董事。
John Watkins is a Corporate Vice President of Cummins Inc. and President of Cummins East Asia. Cummins employs over 7,000 people in 21 locations in China. The Company’s business link with China dates back to 1975.
Prior to joining Cummins, Watkins held various senior positions at Northwest Airlines over 18 years. In his last position at Northwest as Vice President and General Manager – China, Watkins was responsible for the airline’s China business and operations. . He also led Northwest’s efforts in developing its alliance relationship and codeshare flights with Air China.
Watkins holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Miami University of Ohio, and a master’s degree in management from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. Watkins also completed two years of Mandarin Chinese language training at Shanghai Normal College in the early-1980’s.
Watkins is currently serving as the Chairman of American Chamber of Commerce in China for 2009; he served three times as vice chairman for the Chamber. Watkins is a director of the China People’s Foundation, a private non-profit organization that brings relief and hope to those in need in China. He served as chairman of the Beijing International Christian Fellowship from 2002 - 2005. Watkins was also elected to and served four terms as chairman of the Board of Airline Representatives in China and currently serves as a member of the board for Junior Achievement China.