搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

德尔福电子电气架构亚太工程总监 李铭 简介

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  2009中国汽车工程学会年会将于2009年10月20-22日在北京铁道大厦举办。年会主要活动包括:先进汽车节能减排技术研讨会、专题分会场交流会、年美籍汽车专家来华讲学活动、技术参观等。以下是参会嘉宾 李铭 简介:

德尔福派克电气系统有限公司电子电气架构亚太工程总监 李铭 先生将做题为《混合动力车和电动车的电子电气架构解决方案(Electronics and Electrical Architecture and Solutions for Hybrid and Electric Vehicle)》的技术报告

  Li Ming is chief engineer of Delphi Packard Electrical/Electronic Architecture (Delphi-E/EA), Asia Pacific, based in Shanghai. He is responsible for cross functional engineering team to pursuit the business and support the vehicle electrical system development for customers in China, Japan, Korea, India and other countries in the region.

  Ming Li joined Delphi career in 2006 as a chief engineer in Shanghai. Prior to joint to Delphi, he has worked as an engineering director for SAIC and vice president of engineering for Chery Automotive Company. He also worked on different engineering and management assignments for 15 years in the US for Chrysler and Motorola. He has built extensive experience on the hybrid vehicle applications, automotive electronics and vehicle electrical and electronics architecture. Ming Li received the Master of Engineering degree from Michigan State University.





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