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Steve Kogan: advanced battery in U.S.

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

Editor’s note: 2009 International Electric Automotive Innovation and Development Forum was held from Oct.22 to Oct.23, 2009 in Chongqing. Lecturer : U.S. Department of Energy Officer Steve Kogan, focusing on energy efficiency and technology projects.

U.S. Department of Energy Officer Steve Kogan

Steve Kogan:I work in Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. We are mainly concerning projects on automobiles for more than 30 years during which our technology has been developing. And we have achieved a lot of success, hoping there will be more success.

Today, I talk about is a sub-project, on the energy store, it is primarily about development of a durable and economical advanced batteries. Pure power hybrid electric vehicles, as well as fuel cell vehicles are included. These activities are parts of this project and has already received 77 million U.S. dollars in funding, also get a great concern by President Obama, in this regard, we have three applications.

First, there are hybrid and plug-in power, as well as pure electric power cars, each project has different characteristics. Like traditional electric cars, hybrids ones also rely on batteries, and larger battery energy with a very high energy density. The plug-in is the combination of both, we have to accomplish two goals: first, develop 25 kilowatts of battery in 2010, control the cost of about 500 U.S. dollars; second is to build plug-in hybrid power, and can drive 40 miles, control the cost in the 3000-4000 U.S. dollars. Argonne Lab will introduce to you tomorrow, approximate 40 miles mileage driven in the United States can meet the needs of many customers. This is a very important point, I'd like to explain, why it is very important.

We can see that petroleum is a very important issue in the transportation energy; from this picture you can see that petroleum is the greatest in the transport. Then 15% of the petroleum is used in transport, I have two children, I would like to consider about my future, future of my children and my grandchildren, so I can see the area of transport accounted for 68.3%, then the You can also say that this part - transport consuming fossil fuels, and we can also see that greenhouse gas emissions is also very important because it not only consume the oil, but also exhaust large amounts of greenhouse gases, about 32% emissions of carbon dioxide is produced by the United States.

In fiscal year 2010, automotive technology, hybrid power systems are budget of 333 million U.S. dollars, 164 million U.S. dollars

Same as the point I have just spoken, we do not simply put all eggs in one basket, we have many projects like a ladder, and we do not think that there will be a single successful program, as Professor Chan has talked just now. We have many different research projects, such as internal combustion engines, the batteries. All these can help us to reduce dependence on petroleum. In addition, we are still studying fuel, like China desire to make use of other energy sources; we also have such plans. For instance, we would like to reduce 10% of gasoline usage, which is the current U.S. plan.

For instance, we can use bio-diesel, and a number of clean energy. These energy sources are promising to be used, such as 50% of the oil, if each part reduces some little amount, it will add up to a great contribution. Therefore, we have a very extensive project to do this. In the following we can know what the focus of our work is. We can see that 31 million is given to the integration of this technology in the 2010 fiscal year budget; we can also see our focus, half of which is given to the hybrid electric system. The same specific breakdown, owns a lot of input. Also there is a lot of input to the energy storage, which is also a very important part for these technological projects.

I have just talked about hybrid power system, there are three parts of the content, there are whole-vehicle and system simulation test, which is research and development of the component by vehicle simulation. This is a very important part of the research and development; in addition there are research and development of energy storage, including research and development of hybrid, electric vehicle. Besides this, we also support research and development in advanced electronic power part.

We can see that the From battery technology of Department of Energy's we can see that in some areas, such as A123 system has received the success, which we have done for a long time, and this is a revolution for us, and now hybrid electric and plug-in lithium-ion battery prototypes of the A123 system is developing. The nickel-electronics industry is very successful; the United States will enjoy its intellectual property rights.(Translator: Qinghua/Tongwen-Xiewen)

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