2009中国汽车工程学会年会将于2009年10月20-22日在北京铁道大厦举办。年会主要活动包括:先进汽车节能减排技术研讨会、专题分会场交流会、年美籍汽车专家来华讲学活动、技术参观等。以下是参会嘉宾 汪大总博士 简介:
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北京汽车工业控股有限责任公司总经理 汪大总 博士 将做题为《北汽新能源汽车动力及电控技术发展概况(New Energy and Electric Vehicle Power Control Technology)》的主旨演讲 |
Dr. Dazong Wang, graduated from Cornell University with a Ph.D. degree in 1985 and he joined GM in same year. He worked up to engineering manager and technical fellow in GM during 1985-1994. In 1994, he was appointed as Country Manager and Chief Engineer for Delphi Energy and Engine Management Systems in Beijing, China. In the following three years, he led a total of $100 million investment in China’s then fledgling industry and established three large joint-venture companies in China, serving as the Chairman/Director on each their boards. After returning from China, he worked in GM’s North America technical center as Director of Engineering in charge of various engineering activities such as vehicle integration, design and analysis, etc.
During 2006, Dr. Wang joined SAIC Motor Corporation Limited, the largest domestic automotive company in China. He was appointed as Vice President of Engineering.
In 2008, Dr. Wang joined Beijing Automotive Industry Holding Corporation Limited,he was appointed as President.