搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

Wang Fengying: China Should Build World-

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  "There is no great brand in China’s auto industry, which is a real problem. The cars made in China are cheap but poor in quality. Unfortunately, the idea has been formed in the heart of customers. "The Chief Executive Officer of Great Wall Motor Company Wang Fengying said to the reporter from Sohu Auto on March 3rd when she was participating in the NPC and CPPCC sessions. She insisted that if China wants to build an automotive powerhouse, we must change our image of "poor-quality and low-cost".

  At present, Ms Wang thought that the automotive giants should include the United States, Japan, Germany and South Korea. Those countries have so many world-renowned auto brands.

  As to an automotive powerhouse, there are several important standards. There is a large enough consumer market, an automotive industry whose scale is large enough, several world-known brands, sustainable R&D capabilities and vast overseas markets.

  Wang Fengying said: “In fact, building several international brands is the necessary process for enhancing our auto industry. Now China is a big country of automotive consumption or a strong country in terms of auto manufacturing. If we want to develop an automotive powerhouse, it is a good way to own several well-known brands."

  But how can we achieve this goal? Wang Fengying thought one of the most important factors is the support from government. She said: “What the government needs to do is to be aware of such a position in auto industry and we need to issue many policies in this field.” Just for this reason, as a delegate of National People's Congress, Wang Fengying proposed a bill named the Strategy of Developing National Auto Brand at this year's NPC&CPPCC sessions.

  At the same time, Wang also believed China’s auto companies should go out to purchase some overseas automakers or auto components enterprises. Getting patents is also very important. However, Great Wall Motor Company has no plans for overseas acquisitions till now.

  Based on the fast development of China, Wang insisted that China should not copy the way of other countries. She thought we should stick to our own characteristics and China will become an automotive giant within ten years or more. (Translator: Qinghua/Kevin)

  See Original Chinese Report Please Click:






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