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Subaru to start Chinese domestic production

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  According to Legal Evening Paper, after Subaru dropped its prices of auto parts, Li Jinyong, general manager of Zhong Yi Subaru, declared at Chongqing Motor Show that Subaru would start China production within 2 years. The move has put spotlight on Subaru’s domestic production once again.

  Takahashi Ichiya, the director of Subaru’s marketing department in China has denied the above claim during his interview. However, he disclosed that some Chinese indigenous automakers have showed great interests in joint venture with Subaru. But, when Subaru will start its domestic production is still up to the headquarters.

  This Monday, Subaru announced the launch of 2010 “Subaru eco-tour”. As for a foreign car brand which is not quite popular in China, we could see Subaru’s great expectations on Chinese market through its image building in a big way.

  Last year, Subaru sold 35000 units in China, and it set sales target at 50000 units this year. What’s more, the current population of Subaru has achieved 100000 units in China. As for a forging automaker, it has met the conditions of “localization”, once it made such an excellent performance. No matter from Subaru’s talks with potential partners, cut in the prices of auto parts, or announcement of its domestic production, we could see Subaru’s domestic production is already like an arrow on the bowstring.

  Once bitten, twice shy. Subaru is still unable to walk out of the failure in the partnerships with Guizhou Yunque last year. Therefore, it allows no failure this time, but has to play for safety.

  Subaru has won high reputations from the movie named if you are the one. Moreover, it has witnessed steady sales, and a great number of automakers are coming for partnerships. Therefore, Subaru is almost ready for domestic production; however, the final determination is what Subaru lacks right now. (Translator: qinghua/serena)

  See original Chinese report please click: http://auto.sohu.com/20100624/n273034110.shtml




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