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Auto sohu price launched to cover 300

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  According to auto sohu, a brand new service, auto sohu price, has unveiled recently, shortly after auto sohu exclusively published MIIT’s fuel consumption. By means of sohu’s powerful technology platform and its regional layout strategy, the new version of auto sohu price will lead domestic auto web again, with its daily 300 thousand price items covering 27 main cities in China.

  In brief, auto sohu price is a timely updated system regarding auto prices. Consumers could search any auto models, discount information, auto dealers’ contact information, addresses, and maps in accordance with what they need.

  What’s unique about auto sohu price? Let me illustrate it through the following 3 aspects.

  i. Auto sohu price will cover 300 thousand price items in 27 cities.

  Recently, auto sohu price possesses 90 auto bands, 1000 kinds of auto models, and 300 thousand auto price items, almost covering all domestic auto models in 27 cities. Meanwhile, auto sohu has integrated its strong technology support and auto dealers’ updating news to make sure netizens could search the newest auto prices. Therefore, Auto sohu price will provide information of auto prices with 7 in 24 hours updates.

  ii. Different authentication of auto dealers guarantees netizens’ buying cars.

  A great number of netizens are unable to figure out the difference between 4S shops and secondary distributors, so they usually choose to buy cars in a less expensive shop. Actually, it involves potential hazard for consumers. Therefore, how to choose a prestigious auto dealer has aroused consumers’ general concern.

  With the propelling strategy of sohu’s regional layout, auto sohu has already developed strategic partnerships with thousands of nationwide auto dealers and dealerships through sohu’s auto dealers’ treasures and local platforms. Auto sohu price will indicate and recommend normal 4s shops certified by automakers in an apparent spot. Thus, it’s a guarantee for consumers to choose auto dealers here.

  Auto sohu price has classified such auto dealers as highly-recommended shops, certified shops, 4s shops and secondary distributors.

  Highly-recommended shops, used as a reference to netizens, are 4s shops with high credit recommended by auto sohu.

  Certified shops are 4s shops certified by auto sohu in terms of registration information and sales competence.

  4s shops are one brand’s specialty shops certified by automakers, providing maintenance and other services.

  Secondary distributors usually sell more kinds of cars with different auto brands.

  iii. Optimize the user experience and build a healthier quick search.

  The function of quick search could help you conveniently locate the vehicle model which you prefer. Besides the traditional method of quick search, typing vehicle brands and models by pinyin, users could also search models in accordance with different grades and auto prices.

  What’s more, other methods of quick search enable netizens’ access to vehicle models including searching key words or conditions.

  If you were a netizen who’s about to buy a car, or has such purchase plans, then auto sohu will invite you to experience it.

  About auto sohu

  As one of the most influential Chinese web portal covering auto news from home and abroad, auto sohu has been dedicated to create a most influential auto value chain combining its media platform and services in terms of auto news, auto database, community, auto dealers, flagships, marketing and cooperation since the establishment of auto sohu unit. The launch of auto sohu Beijing station is one of strategies for auto sohu to consolidate its service areas and strengthen its service contents. As for domestic auto platforms, it also signified the transition from the web portal to the combination between the web portal and local areas, achieving a historical leapfrog in the regional market. (Translator: qinghua /serena)

  See original Chinese report please click: http://auto.sohu.com/20100715/n273520418.shtml





精准搜索: 5万 8万 12万 15万 22万 35万 50万 70万以上
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