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Auto Industry to Embrace the First GFA

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  This week the organizers of Global Automotive Forum received the exclusive interview conducted by the Jinghua Times.

  Q: Global Automotive Forum will be held for the first time. Why is the forum named as global?

  A: So car there has been no such kind of platform in the auto industry across the world. China has the fastest-growing auto market in the world. "Chinese elements" play a significant role in helping us organize the forum. Specifically, the globalization of the forum can be understood from two aspects. First, in the year of 2010, the forum will be held for the first time. The meeting should be well targeted. Representatives should discuss the issues through a high-level of perspective such as standing on the height of the national economy, or even on the height of the global economy. Second, we have noticed the development trend of global automotive industry. In addition to the issues of auto industry, we have to care about several issues including the relationship between industry chain and suppliers, brands of automobile manufacturers and automotive industry itself.

  Q: Could you introduce some confirmed guests?

  A: In the field of Macroeconomics, there are several heavyweight guests, including WTO Deputy Director-General Rufus Yerxa, the former United States Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky, the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Economics and consultant of Federal Reserve Professor Edward Prescott and President of the United States Clyde V. Prestowitz. (Translator: Qinhhua/Hanxin)




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