搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

Dong Yang:Chins auto output boost for years

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]
来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

Following is the speech of Dong Yang, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

Dong Yang: I am on behalf of the organizers to thank all our friends’ coming!

Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers
Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers

Faced with the global economic crisis, China's auto industry was relatively fortunate. China Association of Automobile Manufacturers estimated that auto output of China in 2009 would reach 11 million, but actually I think the auto output in 2009 could definitely surpass 12 million. Additionally in October a ceremony will be hold in Changchun, China, to celebrate China’s auto output reach 10 million .And here I make a bold forecast that China's auto output will increase by 1 million units annually for years. However, I have to point out China’s auto industry recently encountered some automotive-related trade frictions in the world .Today I just want to share my points of view with every friends, and I think that the development of China's auto industry should be a good news for the world car owners.

The second meaning I would like to talk about is how to evaluate the development of China's auto industry. In my opinion, China's auto industry development is part of development of the world auto industry, not only because the auto industry has always been the highest degree of globalization, but also Chinese automobile products are actually a good complement to other international automotive products made by large automobile manufacturers. The reason why I insist on talking about my point of view is I have felt that our Chinese colleagues and those of foreign countries have different views on the role of Chinese automobile products in the world. My Chinese colleagues are excessively confident of the development of China's auto industry, but some of my foreign friends think the development of China's auto industry still has a long to go.

I hold the opinion that we still need to cooperate with you old friends and all partners in the Chinese market, and continue to work together to strengthen ourselves . China's auto industry is still not strong enough and we still don’t know a lot of things .So I think that the cooperation between Chinese automobile manufacturers and you foreigners are extremely important. What’s more, it does not matter which side is stronger but the common development of us is the most important thing we should be concerned about. I hope China’s auto industry will work together with the world auto industry, to develop new markets in the world and provide people who are still have no cars with more, cheaper and better cars. Meanwhile, let us do together to protect our environment and save more energy! ( Translator Super Wade)

  See original Chinese report please click




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