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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  嘉宾姓名:Jehlik, Forrest



  Mr. Jehlik is currently research engineer in the Vehicle System’s section of the Center for Transportation Research (CTR). In this position, he performs the benchmarking of a large range of advanced technology vehicles to support research at CTR’s Advanced Powertrain Research Facility (APRF). This includes plug-in hybrid vehicle and sustainable fuel technologies.

  Mr. Jehlik joined Argonne in August 2005 as the Lead Technical Coordinator for Challenge X, the country’s premier advanced vehicle technology competition (AVTC) managed by CTR staff. Forrest served as the Lead Technical Coordinator and provided his technical leadership and expertise to this program by establishing a technology objective, creating competition rules, operational and safety procedures, and assuming the lead for the rigorous competitive inter-collegiate vehicle engineering events.

  Previous to joining Argonne, Mr. Jehlik was employed at General Motors Research & Development/Powertrain in Detroit, MI from January 2001 – July 2005. Forrest was the lead combustion engineer on a 10 member team that developed a proprietary combustion system. The results of this work led to the production of a 4.5L Duramax engine.

  Mr. Jehlik has been awarded a number of research and presentation awards, patents, and publications.

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