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Fiat’s Top Executive Joins in Geely

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  Fiat Group China confirmed that the CEO of Fiat Powertrain (FPT) China Shen Hui had left Fiat. It is learned that Shen Hui has been appointed as Vice President in Geely Holdings and he will be responsible for overseas projects, according to the First Financial Daily.

  Significant engines in Fiat’s history were all developed by Fiat Powertrain. Shen Hui served as the head in China for component giant Borg Warner before he came to Fiat Powertrain last year.

  Before this movement, Geely has bought DSI –an Australian transmission company. Based on long-time working experience in manufacturers of auto parts, Shen Hui will not only help the ongoing acquisition of Volvo, but also propel further integration of DSI and its corporation into Geely as a whole supporting system. (Translator: Qinghua/ Sailor)

  See Original Chinese Report Please Click:






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