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BYD raised goal of EV production under

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  The Notice on Pilot Subsidy for Private Purchase of New Energy Vehicles issued on June 1 brought hope to domestic sales prospect of electric vehicles.

  On June 3, Wang Jianjun, deputy general manager of BYD told Shanghai Securities News that BYD would speed up industrialization of electric vehicles, and original production goal of 1000 units of electric vehicles in 2010 would be raised.

  “Since issue of the notice, information from distribution channels of BYD reflects more and more consumers are interested in electric vehicles and even want to buy. As a result, original production goal of 1000 units of electric vehicles in 2010 would be raised, and the specific plan also needs to be further discussed according to market research”, said Wang. However, Wang Jianjun revealed BYD has fully accomplished preparatory work of capacity adjustment for electric vehicles and it can fully meet the market demand.

  On June 1 Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information, National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued The Notice on Pilot Subsidy for Private Purchase of New Energy Vehicles. Shanghai, Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Hefei will carry out the pilot work which offers subsidies for private purchase of new energy vehicles. According to the policy, consumers will obtain as much as 50,000 yuan when buying BYD F3DM plug-in hybrid model. E6 pure electric passenger model will get up to 60,000 yuan subsidy. Therefore after the notice was issued the auto industry believed that BYD has become the biggest winner.

  Wang Jianjun said: “The notice will play a major positive role for BYD. The policy is also a positive recognition of BYD's research and development path of electric vehicles in the past decade. "

  The Shanghai Securities News learned that the policy had provided full momentum for the development of Chinese electric car market. Wang Jianjun said: “As to the next step, BYD will carry out road shows of electric models in those five pilot cities in order to help consumers gain experience. In this year, BYD will also organize road shows in 20 model cities nationwide which promote the operation of electric vehicles. BYD will shoulder greater responsibilities for the commercialization of electric cars. (Translator: Qinghua/Hanxin&Wade)

  See Original Chinese Report Please Clicks:





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