搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

Wang Xia: GAF Fills Blank Space

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]

  Editor's Note: On September 16, 2010, the curtain of Global Automotive Forum rises in the city of Chengdu. On September 15, Sohu Auto had an exclusive interview with Wang Xia, the Secretary of the Automotive Industry Commission of China Council for The Promotion of International Trade, who is responsible for the Organizing Committee of Global Automotive Forum. He presented his views about the significance of Global Automotive Forum, the changes in global automotive industry and opportunities which China's auto industry is facing. Following is the part of the interview.

  Sohu Auto: The global automotive industry is in a time of great changes. During the time of changes there are many new opportunities. Now China has become the largest automobile manufacturing power in the world with a huge market. How will China grasp such an opportunity to develop the auto industry and become an automotive power?

  Wang Xia: During the past decade, supported by the government, China's auto industry achieved great progress in the field of passenger cars and commercial cars with the guidance of several positive policies. The technological base is relatively low. Some human resources and technologies were accumulated. Then during this decade there is no doubt that China's auto industry developed rapidly.

  However, on the one hand, we notice the progress. On the other hand, we have also seen the challenges which we are faced with. The update of technologies in the world has become faster. Multinational corporations are looking forward to continuous technological revolution and innovation in order to maintain the leading position. Other countries are not waiting for China.

  Therefore, for China the challenges are becoming more severe. We should grasp the rare historical opportunity which is offered by Chinese market.

  First of all, we have to cultivate some brands and products which are competitive in China. When the conditions become ripe, domestic brands should march into the world to become a multinational corporation. Only an automaker which is competitive in the world has the hope to survive.

  Nowadays the competition is becoming more international. Chinese companies can not just focus on the domestic market. Now Chinese automakers are familiar with the Chinese market and Chinese consumers. First of all, we have to rely on Chinese market and stand out in this market with the fastest growth. At the same time, domestic automakers should carefully study international market and come up with more competitive products to compete on the international stage.

  Sohu Auto: You just mentioned the globalization and internationalization. We have noticed that Global Automotive Forum is a high-level meeting with various topics which cover many areas. Guests are from different industries. We are really surprised because Chinese auto industry has not previously embraced such a forum. Please tell us the idea of holding the Global Automotive forum. Will the forum offer certain help for the development of Chinese and global auto industry?

  Wang Xia: In the year of 1994, in order to fit in the policy which is related to automotive industry, Ministry of Machinery Industry held workshops and exhibitions of family cars. At that time, the topics were about whether families should have cars and which kind of road Chinese auto industry should take. At that time, we were in a development process. That forum was aimed at attracting foreign enterprises to participate in the construction of Chinese auto industry. At that time, we once organized an international forum, which had a great influence across the world.

  At that time China was in a major historical period when China is transferring from an automobile-consumption country to an automobile-manufacturing country. Now China has become the world's largest car market and largest manufacturing base. The forum is held in this context. In the global automotive industry, Chinese factor is becoming more and more important. Therefore we expect to hold a meeting with global vision. Of course, the basis lies in China. Without such a huge market in China and great potentials, we think we would have not organized such an influential forum.

  At present, China has become a very important element in the global automotive market. We would like to get an opportunity to provide a platform for Chinese automakers and foreign experts, scholars, executives from multinational corporations. They can communicate with each other and view the auto industry from an international perspective. Then we will use a more open vision to think about the issue.

  We hope that Chinese automobile manufacturers could make good use of this platform and enter the international market as soon as possible. At the same time, we also hope to offer some advice for foreign auto companies which participate in the construction of Chinese auto industry. Nowadays majority of multinational companies have joint ventures or cooperation projects in China. They can take this opportunity to cooperate with Chinese counterparts and better understand Chinese auto market. You can see that all the topics which we are going to discuss are global concerns that automakers in different countries care about. So this meeting also fills in an international gap.

  Sohu Auto: Indeed, as you said, the emergence of Global Automotive Forum fits in the current circumstance. What's the direction and goal for the future development of Global Automotive Forum?

  Wang Xia: Till now Beijing Auto Show, as well as Shanghai Auto Show, has become one of the most important auto shows in the world. Then we also hope that Global Automotive Forum should become a major summit whose brand is as significant as that of Beijing Auto Show or Shanghai Auto Show. Automobile manufacturers can fully use such a platform to transmit their voice to the whole society and consumers as well as business community and government agencies.

  Our purpose is to provide a communication platform for everyone, enabling the healthy development of automobile industry. Our long-term goal is to build Global Automotive Forum as an international brand.

  Sohu Auto: During the process of preparations and inviting guests, how did foreign institutions and international organizations think about the Global Automotive Forum?

  Wang Xia: They attached great importance to the Global Automotive Forum. This is our first summit. They have to get familiar with the forum and accept it. I hope when the meeting is held for the third time, an international brand will be established.

  I think after two years of cultivation, people will accept the brand. We will carefully study how to continuously improve the level of the forum. Actually we hold this forum for the auto industry rather than for ourselves. We will carefully do research and listen to the advice and recommendations given by government, enterprises and experts. Then we will be able to improve the organization work of Global Automotive Forum and bring more valuable ideas to Chinese and global auto industry. We are not having a party together. All the participants have to judge the direction of auto industry. We will adjust the focus of discussion based on different periods and circumstances.

  Sohu Auto: Thank you for accepting the interview with Sohu Auto. I wish that Global Automotive Forum should become an international brand as soon as possible. Thank you.

  Wang Xia: Thank you. (Translator: Qinghua/Hanxin)




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