陈教授是一个英国皇家工程学院会员,中国工程院院士,乌克兰科学院院士,电气与电子工程师协会会员,英国工程与技术学会会员,香港工程师学会会员。2000年他获得电气与电子工程师学会国际奖章,并发表电动汽车全球演讲。他被亚洲周刊评选为亚洲最佳技术先驱之一,《环球》杂志称其为“亚洲电动车之父”,曾获得交通“环境优秀奖,荣获美国汽车工程师学会环境交通大奖,荣获“中国汽车行业领军人物” 称号,及香港工程师学会金质奖章。他撰写及合著11本书,300多篇技术论文,并拥有9项专利。他的使命是促进对科学和技术促进全球可持续发展进程的全球合作。
Prof. C C Chan
holds BSc, MSc, PhD, HonDSc, HonDTech degrees. He has had over 50 years academic and industrial experience. He is currently the Honorary Professor and the former Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the University of Hong Kong. He is the Founding President of the International Academy for Advanced Study. He served as Visiting Professor of a number of well-known universities around the world, including MIT, University of California Berkeley, University of Cambridge, etc. He is Co-founder and President of the World Electric Vehicle Association, the President of the Electric Vehicles Association of Asia Pacific, and Past President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He serves as Senior Consultant to governments and industries worldwide. Prof. Chan is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the Ukraine Academy of Engineering Sciences, IEEE, IET and HKIE. He received the IEE International Lecture Medal in 2000 and delivered lectures on electric vehicles worldwide. He was selected as one of Asia’s Best Technology Pioneers by Asiaweek; named as “Father of Asian Electric Vehicles” by Magazine Global View; named as “Pitamaha (Grandfather) of Electric Vehicle Technology” in India; received the “Environmental Excellence in Transportation Award” from the Society of Automotive Engineers U.S.A.; Honour of “China Automobile Industry Character”; Gold Medal of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. He authored and coauthored 11 books, over 300 technical papers and holds 9 patents. His mission is to promote the global collaboration for the advancement of science and technology for global sustainable development.